☠ Centralization x Power = Danger

The most powerful things in society should be decentralized.

Money, mathematics, language, religion, intelligence, culture, emotions, governance, etc.

Yet, humans have an affinity toward centralization... perhaps this instinct evolved when we lived in tribes a few dozen people, at which scale a central leader may be perfectly reasonable.

Resist the temptation to centralize big important things at global scale.

đŸ’» The recent worldwide Microsoft outage which even paralyzed entire airlines is a good example I think.....

I think even of more dystopian cases in my analytical and creative foreseeing mind.

Decentralization is an essential goal because its the only chance for true freedom of ownership in the digital realm of money, identity and future life.

Thats why my consumer app Bonuz been optimized to exactly fulfill this essential target within 35seconds to bring every human on earth onchain.

Doesnt every human deserves the right for freedom, ownership and to simply be able to participate? Of course. Magic Internet Money can be earned in unlimited ways in the digital realm which scales interplanetary.

We aim that with the innovation we deliver to inspire the use of our tech/tools with the ultimate goal to impact lifes of millions of humans positively with better purposes / usecases for them the be involved in the economy of the digital world.

This shall happen in the first 2 years of the Era of Bonuz. Frenz, just take a screenshot and mark my words.

Surprise, surprise. So exciting times ahead ✹

Whats your stand on decentralization, self custody and the greater vision of Bonuz?

Peace out!

Matthias Mende

#Microsoft t #decentralization #centralization #onchain #cryptonews