Big things are coming!

This week's 4 news, violent fluctuations are coming.

The first one is today, July 3, 20:15 Eastern Time 8 - US ADP employment in June, the previous value is 152,000, the expected value is 160,000, the announced value?

The second one is today, July 3, 20:30 Eastern Time 8, the number of unemployment benefits in the United States for the week ending June 29, the previous value is 233,000, the expected value is 235,000, the announced value?

The third one is tomorrow, July 4, 02:00 Eastern Time 8, the Federal Reserve will release the minutes of the monetary policy meeting, and Bao will speak.

The fourth one is the day after tomorrow, July 5, 20:30 Eastern Time 8, the US unemployment rate in June + June non-agricultural data.