#tips #InversionResponsable diversify your portfolio
If you want to invest in cryptocurrencies, one of the best practices you can follow is to diversify your portfolio. This means that you should not put all your eggs in the same basket, but rather spread your investment between different cryptocurrencies, depending on your risk profile, your objectives and your strategy.
Why is it important to diversify your portfolio? Because this way you can reduce the risk of losing all your money if one of the cryptocurrencies you have chosen crashes or disappears. Additionally, you can take advantage of growth opportunities offered by other cryptocurrencies that you may not know about or have not considered.
How to diversify your portfolio? There is no single or foolproof formula, but you can follow some general criteria, such as:
- Includes cryptocurrencies from different categories, such as coins (
$BTC ,
$ETH ,...), platforms (cardano, polkadot, solana...), tokens (
$BNB , uniswap, chainlink...), NFT (axie infinity, cryptopunks, decentraland...), etc.
- Includes cryptocurrencies of different risk levels, such as the most consolidated and safe (bitcoin, ether, cardano...), the most volatile and speculative (dogecoin, shiba inu, safemoon...), the most innovative and disruptive (solana , avalanche, polygon...), etc.
- Includes cryptocurrencies of different degrees of exposure, such as the most popular and high-profile ones (bitcoin, ether, dogecoin...), the most unknown and undervalued (terra, harmony, algorand...), the most promising and potential (polkadot, cosmos, elrond...), etc.
There is no exact number of cryptocurrencies that you should have in your portfolio, but it is not advisable to have too many or too few. The ideal is that you have an amount that allows you to follow and control your investments, without losing focus or interest. You can also adjust your portfolio as market conditions or your personal preferences change.