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The TON token's value soared by approximately 40% to roughly $2.92 following the revenue sharing with channel owners by Telegram's founder Pavel Durov. In his message on the platform's official channel, Durov stated that starting in March, Telegram's Ad network would begin sharing revenues with channel owners, a move that was reported by CoinDesk on Wednesday. This decision to profit-share with channel owners will kick off in March, as revealed by Durov. While the wider CoinDesk 20 index (CD20) saw an increase of 2.5%, the TON token, which is native to Telegram's network, experienced a significant rise in its value. According to Durov's broadcast, Telegram's broadcast channels accumulate a staggering 1 trillion views monthly. However, at present, only 10% of these views are monetized by Telegram Ads – an advertising system developed to respect user privacy. He further outlined that in March, nearly a hundred new countries would have access to Telegram's Ad Platform, and channel owners in these regions would receive 50% of the revenue generated through ads displayed within their channels. CoinDesk's attempt to gain confirmation of Durov's statement through Telegram’s official media enquiry channel did not receive a prompt response. However, information on Telegram's website previously indicated plans for revenue sharing with select channel owners. Transactions, including payments and withdrawals, related to the revenue-sharing program will be processed through the TON blockchain, which originates from the same creators behind Telegram. As of July 2023, Telegram reported a significant user base of 800 million active users per month. #TON #TONtoken #Telegram #TelegramAdRevenue #TrendingTopic
The TON token's value soared by approximately 40% to roughly $2.92 following the revenue sharing with channel owners by Telegram's founder Pavel Durov.

In his message on the platform's official channel, Durov stated that starting in March, Telegram's Ad network would begin sharing revenues with channel owners, a move that was reported by CoinDesk on Wednesday.

This decision to profit-share with channel owners will kick off in March, as revealed by Durov. While the wider CoinDesk 20 index (CD20) saw an increase of 2.5%, the TON token, which is native to Telegram's network, experienced a significant rise in its value.

According to Durov's broadcast, Telegram's broadcast channels accumulate a staggering 1 trillion views monthly. However, at present, only 10% of these views are monetized by Telegram Ads – an advertising system developed to respect user privacy.

He further outlined that in March, nearly a hundred new countries would have access to Telegram's Ad Platform, and channel owners in these regions would receive 50% of the revenue generated through ads displayed within their channels.

CoinDesk's attempt to gain confirmation of Durov's statement through Telegram’s official media enquiry channel did not receive a prompt response. However, information on Telegram's website previously indicated plans for revenue sharing with select channel owners.

Transactions, including payments and withdrawals, related to the revenue-sharing program will be processed through the TON blockchain, which originates from the same creators behind Telegram. As of July 2023, Telegram reported a significant user base of 800 million active users per month.
#TON #TONtoken #Telegram #TelegramAdRevenue #TrendingTopic
Telegram Stars: The New Cryptocurrency on the Block!* *Revolutionizing Digital Payments and Mini Apps* Telegram has launched Telegram Stars, a new cryptocurrency that's set to transform the way we purchase digital products and services within the app! This move marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Telegram's crypto ecosystem, which has been gaining traction in recent months. *A New Era for Mini Apps and Digital Payments* With Telegram Stars, developers can now receive payments for digital services in the simplest way possible. This innovation is poised to revolutionize the way we interact with mini applications and digital products on the platform! *Key Highlights:* - Telegram Stars is a new token for purchasing digital products and services within the app - Mini applications can receive payments for digital services with the simplest payment method - Users can obtain Telegram Stars tokens through in-app purchases on platforms like Apple and Google - Telegram Stars can be used for services like Telegram games, e-books, and online courses - Developers can convert earned crypto assets into Toncoin (TON), expanding the usage area of Stars assets *Notcoin's Success: A Precursor to Telegram Stars' Potential* Notcoin (NOT), developed within the Toncoin ecosystem, has seen a remarkable 500% increase in value after being listed on major exchanges like Binance. This surge in value has accelerated the development of new assets within the ecosystem, with Telegram Stars being the latest addition. *The Future of Digital Payments and Crypto Assets* As Telegram continues to expand its crypto ecosystem, it's clear that the messaging app is becoming a large digital market. With Telegram Stars, the platform is poised to revolutionize the way we think about digital payments and crypto assets. Stay tuned for more updates on Telegram Stars and the ever-evolving crypto ecosystem! #TelegramAdRevenue $BTC
Telegram Stars: The New Cryptocurrency on the Block!*

*Revolutionizing Digital Payments and Mini Apps*

Telegram has launched Telegram Stars, a new cryptocurrency that's set to transform the way we purchase digital products and services within the app! This move marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Telegram's crypto ecosystem, which has been gaining traction in recent months.

*A New Era for Mini Apps and Digital Payments*

With Telegram Stars, developers can now receive payments for digital services in the simplest way possible. This innovation is poised to revolutionize the way we interact with mini applications and digital products on the platform!

*Key Highlights:*

- Telegram Stars is a new token for purchasing digital products and services within the app
- Mini applications can receive payments for digital services with the simplest payment method
- Users can obtain Telegram Stars tokens through in-app purchases on platforms like Apple and Google
- Telegram Stars can be used for services like Telegram games, e-books, and online courses
- Developers can convert earned crypto assets into Toncoin (TON), expanding the usage area of Stars assets

*Notcoin's Success: A Precursor to Telegram Stars' Potential*

Notcoin (NOT), developed within the Toncoin ecosystem, has seen a remarkable 500% increase in value after being listed on major exchanges like Binance. This surge in value has accelerated the development of new assets within the ecosystem, with Telegram Stars being the latest addition.

*The Future of Digital Payments and Crypto Assets*

As Telegram continues to expand its crypto ecosystem, it's clear that the messaging app is becoming a large digital market. With Telegram Stars, the platform is poised to revolutionize the way we think about digital payments and crypto assets.

Stay tuned for more updates on Telegram Stars and the ever-evolving crypto ecosystem!
#TelegramAdRevenue $BTC
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