In a shocking turn of events, Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport in Paris on Saturday evening. According to French TV station TF1, Durov was accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman when he was taken into custody.
Arrest Warrant and Investigation
Durov had reportedly entered France from Azerbaijan and was on the federal government's wanted list. A French search warrant was issued by the National Office of the Judicial Police (OFMI) based on a preliminary investigation.
Company's Response
Sources close to Durov revealed that Telegram's co-owners have an action plan in place in the event of his arrest. Although details of the plan are unknown, company representatives assured that Telegram can continue to operate and fulfill its tasks for the time being.
Uncertainty and Concerns
Durov's arrest raises concerns about the future of Telegram, a popular messaging app with millions of users worldwide. The company's ability to maintain its services and ensure user data security remains uncertain.
Developing Story
This is a developing story, and further details are expected to emerge in the coming days. Stay tuned for updates on Pavel Durov's arrest and its implications for Telegram.
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