Binance Square
28 Posts
Sweek and UN Days; Should Binance Care?These are my first days with Binance and I am still learning the basics. One thing is pretty clear: the developers of Binance had designed it in an amazingly user-friendly way, offering us all the complex tasks that usually entail online trading as simple onscreen elements available on both mobile and desktop. Like, $BTC I personally feel that Binance deserves much more recognition from international communities around the world in respect of the contributions it has made all these years towards making online cryptocurrency trading commonplace among the general public. Few years back, trading currencies like $XRP ,$USDC online via an app was something unheard of. Today, it's just a kid's game.However I must admit that I secretly prefer BinanceSquare over Binance. The simple reason is I am drawn to writing rather than investing. During the period of 2018 to 2020, I was working as a Brand Ambassador to, a bit of a social media platform that pioneered book writing on mobile. What Sweek did at that time was enable writers to convert their prose and poetry to ebooks and paperbacks while on the go. Although the task of writing a book is not that much complicated as trading a currency, the platform was a proper godsend at the time because it made novel writers’ dreams come true in many ways. Just like Binance for investors. Launched in 2016, Sweek brought writers around the world together. Despite being a small app of 20MB storage, it had a personal messaging facility. Writers talked to each other around the clock and developed their e-books, published them, read, liked, commented and shared. Sweek organized various writing competitions on a monthly basis. The most popular e-books and the most beautifully written e-books were selected as winners and cash prizes given. For poor writers like us it was like a new era had dawned.As we held on to our mobiles and typed away day and night, Sweek kept crashing. In 2021, the platform died. I was working on a volunteer basis to encourage new visitors to the app and also to retain our existing readers and writers. One of the strategies I used was to organize writing projects based on International Days recognized by Resolutions passed by the United Nations. I was organizing my 8th writing project on World Asteroid Day when Sweek breathed out its last. My first days with BinanceSquare past few days brought me back all the fond memories I spent on the cradle of Sweek - as well as the bitterness I felt when I lost it. Sweek didn’t pay me anything; that’s quite true; but it gave me life. It gave life to my writings. When Sweek died, my writings died within its servers. I had not kept any back-ups. After two years of solitude, it makes me smile when I find myself writing again on BinanceSquare servers. I am breathing again. Within me, so does Sweek. To be more serious, what can BinanceSquare learn from Sweek? Binance Square is, more or less, a writing platform like Sweek with social media features in it. What might happen if Binance Square starts to organize writing competitions just like Sweek did? Or organize writing projects like I did? On a whim I checked out the International Days recognized by the United Nations that are available in the months ahead until the end of 2023 which might align with its social media culture and its business model if BinanceSquare happens to follow this idea of organizing writing projects and competitions to onboard more users just like Sweek did few years ago. Following looks the most promising. [Courtesy: the United Nations official website.]Note: Within brackets are the UN Resolution Numbering#01Global Media and Information Literacy Week, 24-31 October (A/RES/75/267)"Highlights the global concerns about the exponential spread and proliferation of disinformation and misinformation, thereby increasing the need for the dissemination of factual, timely, targeted, clear, accessible, multilingual and science - based information, and emphasizing the need for all Member States to stand together to address the challenge of disinformation and misinformation” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website]. In my opinion, this Global Media and Information Literacy Week should be celebrated as Global Media and Crypto-Literacy Week by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #02World Development Information Day (A/RES/3038 (XXVII)) 24th October “An essential part of the work on development consists of the mobilization of public opinion in both developing and developed countries in support of set objectives and policies. Governments of the more advanced countries must continue and intensify their endeavors to deepen public understanding of the interdependent nature of development efforts, and of the need to assist the developing countries in accelerating their economic and social progress. Similarly, Governments of developing countries must continue to make people at all levels aware of the benefits and sacrifices involved, and to enlist their full participation in achieving the development goals and objectives” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, this World Development Information Day should be celebrated as World Crypto Development Information Day by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #03International Week of Science and Peace, 9-15 November (A/RES/43/61) “Considers that progress in science and technology profoundly affects international peace and security, economic and social development, respect for human rights, and many other aspects of civilization and culture and also considers that political and economic decisions have decisive effect on the direction of of scientific research and results obtained thereby, recalls that scientific and technological achievements must be used to advance socio economic progress and effective enjoyment of human rights throughout the world” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In addition to the above, World Science Day for Peace and Development (UNESCO 31 C/Resolution 20) 10th November is celebrated during the Week of Science and Peace. In my opinion, this International Week of Science and Peace / World Science Day for Peace and Development (both: the Week and the Day) should be celebrated as International Week of Crypto Science and Peace / World Crypto Science Day for Peace by BinanceSquare, parallel to the originals. #04International Day for Tolerance [UNESCO] (28 C/Resolution 5.61) 16th November “Affirms that tolerance is neither indulgence nor indifference. It is respect and appreciation of the rich variety of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance recognizes the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, this International Day for Tolerance should be celebrated as International Day for Crypto Tolerance by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #05World Philosophy Day [UNESCO] (33 C/Resolution 37) 17th November “Underlines the enduring value of philosophy for the development of human thought, for each culture and for each individual. Philosophy is an inspiring discipline as well as an everyday practice that can transform societies. By enabling us to discover the diversity of the intellectual currents in the world, philosophy stimulates intercultural dialogue. By awakening minds to the exercise of thinking and the reasoned confrontation of opinions, philosophy helps to build a more tolerant, more respectful society. It thus helps to understand and respond to major contemporary challenges by creating the intellectual conditions for change.” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, this World Philosophy Day should be celebrated as World Crypto Philosophy Day by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #06International Day of Banks (A/RES/74/245) 4th December “Emphasizes the relevance of inclusion in the international financial system at all levels and the importance of considering financial inclusion as a policy objective in financial regulation, in accordance with national priorities and legislation and recognizes the significant potential of multilateral development banks and other international development banks in financing sustainable development and providing know-how and recognizes also, at the national level, the vital role of banking systems in Member States in contributing to the improvement of the standard of living.” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, International Day of Banks should be celebrated as International Day of Crypto-friendly Banks by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #07International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development (A/RES/40/212) 5th December “Considers that volunteer service, including that of the United nations Volunteers, is making an important contribution to socio economic development activities and recognizes the desirability of stimulating the work of all volunteers both in the field of organizations - multilateral, bilateral, or national, non governmental, or government supported - and of giving encouragement to those volunteers, many of whom engage in volunteer service at considerable sacrifice” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, this International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development should be celebrated as International Crypto-Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #08International Human Solidarity Day (A/RES/60/209) 20th December “Expresses its deep concern that the number of people living in extreme poverty in many countries continues to increase, with women and children constituting the majority and the most affected groups, in particular in the least developed countries and in sub-Saharan Africa, that the number of women and girls living in poverty has increased disproportionately to the number of men, particularly in developing countries, and that the majority live in rural areas where their livelihoods are dependent on subsistence agriculture and recognizes that the empowerment of women is a critical factor in the eradication of poverty and that the implementation of special measures aimed at empowering women can help to achieve this, and recognizes also that improving women’s economic status also improves the economic status of their families and their communities and thereby creates a multiplier effect for economic growth, and recognizes further that mobilizing financial resources for development at the national and international levels and the effective use of those resources are central to a global partnership for development in support of the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] I think BinanceSquare can recognize this one as it is. There are over 200 International Days passed as resolutions by the United Nations. Out of them about 50 or so might directly or indirectly align with the cryptocurrency industry. From them, I only selected the events until the end of this year. If BinanceSquare shows an interest in this subject I would perhaps scan the entire list. Sweek died. But it was a writing platform that thrived. The legacy it has left behind lives on. I doubt BinanceSquare is aware of the strategies Sweek used at the time, but a little bit of research into the subject would certainly not go to waste. Afterall, BinanceSquare is going to be a writing platform that brings together investors, writers, readers and maybe people from all walks of life. A careful study of their mentality and behavior would certainly pay off. Looking forward to a busy writing time with BinanceSquare, wish you guys all the very best. Fun Question: Out of above UN Days, what's the UN Day you believe that would really align with BinanceSquare and Crypto?#BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareImprovements #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquareInsights

Sweek and UN Days; Should Binance Care?

These are my first days with Binance and I am still learning the basics. One thing is pretty clear: the developers of Binance had designed it in an amazingly user-friendly way, offering us all the complex tasks that usually entail online trading as simple onscreen elements available on both mobile and desktop. Like, $BTC I personally feel that Binance deserves much more recognition from international communities around the world in respect of the contributions it has made all these years towards making online cryptocurrency trading commonplace among the general public. Few years back, trading currencies like $XRP ,$USDC online via an app was something unheard of. Today, it's just a kid's game.However I must admit that I secretly prefer BinanceSquare over Binance. The simple reason is I am drawn to writing rather than investing. During the period of 2018 to 2020, I was working as a Brand Ambassador to, a bit of a social media platform that pioneered book writing on mobile. What Sweek did at that time was enable writers to convert their prose and poetry to ebooks and paperbacks while on the go. Although the task of writing a book is not that much complicated as trading a currency, the platform was a proper godsend at the time because it made novel writers’ dreams come true in many ways. Just like Binance for investors. Launched in 2016, Sweek brought writers around the world together. Despite being a small app of 20MB storage, it had a personal messaging facility. Writers talked to each other around the clock and developed their e-books, published them, read, liked, commented and shared. Sweek organized various writing competitions on a monthly basis. The most popular e-books and the most beautifully written e-books were selected as winners and cash prizes given. For poor writers like us it was like a new era had dawned.As we held on to our mobiles and typed away day and night, Sweek kept crashing. In 2021, the platform died. I was working on a volunteer basis to encourage new visitors to the app and also to retain our existing readers and writers. One of the strategies I used was to organize writing projects based on International Days recognized by Resolutions passed by the United Nations. I was organizing my 8th writing project on World Asteroid Day when Sweek breathed out its last. My first days with BinanceSquare past few days brought me back all the fond memories I spent on the cradle of Sweek - as well as the bitterness I felt when I lost it. Sweek didn’t pay me anything; that’s quite true; but it gave me life. It gave life to my writings. When Sweek died, my writings died within its servers. I had not kept any back-ups. After two years of solitude, it makes me smile when I find myself writing again on BinanceSquare servers. I am breathing again. Within me, so does Sweek. To be more serious, what can BinanceSquare learn from Sweek? Binance Square is, more or less, a writing platform like Sweek with social media features in it. What might happen if Binance Square starts to organize writing competitions just like Sweek did? Or organize writing projects like I did? On a whim I checked out the International Days recognized by the United Nations that are available in the months ahead until the end of 2023 which might align with its social media culture and its business model if BinanceSquare happens to follow this idea of organizing writing projects and competitions to onboard more users just like Sweek did few years ago. Following looks the most promising. [Courtesy: the United Nations official website.]Note: Within brackets are the UN Resolution Numbering#01Global Media and Information Literacy Week, 24-31 October (A/RES/75/267)"Highlights the global concerns about the exponential spread and proliferation of disinformation and misinformation, thereby increasing the need for the dissemination of factual, timely, targeted, clear, accessible, multilingual and science - based information, and emphasizing the need for all Member States to stand together to address the challenge of disinformation and misinformation” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website]. In my opinion, this Global Media and Information Literacy Week should be celebrated as Global Media and Crypto-Literacy Week by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #02World Development Information Day (A/RES/3038 (XXVII)) 24th October “An essential part of the work on development consists of the mobilization of public opinion in both developing and developed countries in support of set objectives and policies. Governments of the more advanced countries must continue and intensify their endeavors to deepen public understanding of the interdependent nature of development efforts, and of the need to assist the developing countries in accelerating their economic and social progress. Similarly, Governments of developing countries must continue to make people at all levels aware of the benefits and sacrifices involved, and to enlist their full participation in achieving the development goals and objectives” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, this World Development Information Day should be celebrated as World Crypto Development Information Day by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #03International Week of Science and Peace, 9-15 November (A/RES/43/61) “Considers that progress in science and technology profoundly affects international peace and security, economic and social development, respect for human rights, and many other aspects of civilization and culture and also considers that political and economic decisions have decisive effect on the direction of of scientific research and results obtained thereby, recalls that scientific and technological achievements must be used to advance socio economic progress and effective enjoyment of human rights throughout the world” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In addition to the above, World Science Day for Peace and Development (UNESCO 31 C/Resolution 20) 10th November is celebrated during the Week of Science and Peace. In my opinion, this International Week of Science and Peace / World Science Day for Peace and Development (both: the Week and the Day) should be celebrated as International Week of Crypto Science and Peace / World Crypto Science Day for Peace by BinanceSquare, parallel to the originals. #04International Day for Tolerance [UNESCO] (28 C/Resolution 5.61) 16th November “Affirms that tolerance is neither indulgence nor indifference. It is respect and appreciation of the rich variety of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance recognizes the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, this International Day for Tolerance should be celebrated as International Day for Crypto Tolerance by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #05World Philosophy Day [UNESCO] (33 C/Resolution 37) 17th November “Underlines the enduring value of philosophy for the development of human thought, for each culture and for each individual. Philosophy is an inspiring discipline as well as an everyday practice that can transform societies. By enabling us to discover the diversity of the intellectual currents in the world, philosophy stimulates intercultural dialogue. By awakening minds to the exercise of thinking and the reasoned confrontation of opinions, philosophy helps to build a more tolerant, more respectful society. It thus helps to understand and respond to major contemporary challenges by creating the intellectual conditions for change.” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, this World Philosophy Day should be celebrated as World Crypto Philosophy Day by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #06International Day of Banks (A/RES/74/245) 4th December “Emphasizes the relevance of inclusion in the international financial system at all levels and the importance of considering financial inclusion as a policy objective in financial regulation, in accordance with national priorities and legislation and recognizes the significant potential of multilateral development banks and other international development banks in financing sustainable development and providing know-how and recognizes also, at the national level, the vital role of banking systems in Member States in contributing to the improvement of the standard of living.” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, International Day of Banks should be celebrated as International Day of Crypto-friendly Banks by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #07International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development (A/RES/40/212) 5th December “Considers that volunteer service, including that of the United nations Volunteers, is making an important contribution to socio economic development activities and recognizes the desirability of stimulating the work of all volunteers both in the field of organizations - multilateral, bilateral, or national, non governmental, or government supported - and of giving encouragement to those volunteers, many of whom engage in volunteer service at considerable sacrifice” [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] In my opinion, this International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development should be celebrated as International Crypto-Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development by BinanceSquare, parallel to the original. #08International Human Solidarity Day (A/RES/60/209) 20th December “Expresses its deep concern that the number of people living in extreme poverty in many countries continues to increase, with women and children constituting the majority and the most affected groups, in particular in the least developed countries and in sub-Saharan Africa, that the number of women and girls living in poverty has increased disproportionately to the number of men, particularly in developing countries, and that the majority live in rural areas where their livelihoods are dependent on subsistence agriculture and recognizes that the empowerment of women is a critical factor in the eradication of poverty and that the implementation of special measures aimed at empowering women can help to achieve this, and recognizes also that improving women’s economic status also improves the economic status of their families and their communities and thereby creates a multiplier effect for economic growth, and recognizes further that mobilizing financial resources for development at the national and international levels and the effective use of those resources are central to a global partnership for development in support of the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. [Courtesy: the United Nations official website] I think BinanceSquare can recognize this one as it is. There are over 200 International Days passed as resolutions by the United Nations. Out of them about 50 or so might directly or indirectly align with the cryptocurrency industry. From them, I only selected the events until the end of this year. If BinanceSquare shows an interest in this subject I would perhaps scan the entire list. Sweek died. But it was a writing platform that thrived. The legacy it has left behind lives on. I doubt BinanceSquare is aware of the strategies Sweek used at the time, but a little bit of research into the subject would certainly not go to waste. Afterall, BinanceSquare is going to be a writing platform that brings together investors, writers, readers and maybe people from all walks of life. A careful study of their mentality and behavior would certainly pay off. Looking forward to a busy writing time with BinanceSquare, wish you guys all the very best. Fun Question: Out of above UN Days, what's the UN Day you believe that would really align with BinanceSquare and Crypto?#BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareImprovements #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquareInsights
📣📣 MARKET MOVING NEWS! (24/10/23) 1ïžâƒŁ Worldcoin To Pay Orb Operators in WLD Rather Than USDC 👁 According to a recently published blog post, OpenAI founder Sam Altman’s Worldcoin project is planning to switch operator rewards from USDC stablecoins to its WLD tokens by as early as next month. The project reportedly kicked off the move via a pilot program that began on October 10th. The new reward system seeks to increase the tokens’ circulating supply in the open market. Worldcoin stated, “The token was launched with a relatively low circulating supply of just above 100M WLD. This was due to the goal of creating a network of as many human beings as possible. To achieve this, the majority of the WLD token supply will be given to new and existing users in the form of user grants over the years to come.”
📣📣 MARKET MOVING NEWS! (24/10/23)
1ïžâƒŁ Worldcoin To Pay Orb Operators in WLD Rather Than USDC 👁
According to a recently published blog post, OpenAI founder Sam Altman’s Worldcoin project is planning to switch operator rewards from USDC stablecoins to its WLD tokens by as early as next month. The project reportedly kicked off the move via a pilot program that began on October 10th. The new reward system seeks to increase the tokens’ circulating supply in the open market.
Worldcoin stated,
“The token was launched with a relatively low circulating supply of just above 100M WLD. This was due to the goal of creating a network of as many human beings as possible. To achieve this, the majority of the WLD token supply will be given to new and existing users in the form of user grants over the years to come.”
LET'S CREATE A FANTASTIC PROFILE IN BINANCESQUARE đŸ‘šâ€đŸ«đŸ‘©â€đŸ«đŸ§‘â€đŸ«đŸŽ‰đŸŽŠđŸȘ…đŸ‘Żâ€â™€ïž I have been shifting through the profiles of my Followers recently 🔍with the objective of thanking them for - well, yeah - Following me, when I noticed most of them could have easily accumulated a substantial Follower count 👬👬👬👬👬👬👬👬🎉🎊 if they pay a bit more attention in refining their profiles đŸŽšđŸ–Œïž 📱 You can enrich your profile using text in three data types: Bio, Nickname and Username. Available character space for the Bio is 160. For Nickname: 60 For Username 25. Keep in mind you can change your Username ONLY ONCE. In my opinion, I think you should spend some serious time developing your Bio in BinanceSquare. This is the first thing your fellow Binancians would see when they visit your profile. Write something friendly and nice about yourself that makes you approachable. If not, add something professional. People do not touch the Follow button just because they feel like it. Many of them spend their time contemplating their decisions. Binancians are investors. They study well before they do something. Do not take it for granted that Binancians would follow you when you say "Follow to Follow". If you need help developing a Bio please comment below. I'll reply 🙋 As for the Nickname and Username, I kept both same. Only difference is the @ mark. You see, my Nickname is CryptoCry. My Username is @CryptoCry. Simple. There's something additional I want to draw your attention to. You see the red arrow in the screenshot (at the end of this post) that indicates a tiny black arrow on top right hand corner?↗ You touch on it and you will see VERY BEAUTIFUL version of your profile that would really captivate anyone looking at it😃😃😃 A humble request to BinanceSquare Admin Ladies and Gentlemen: Please ADD VIEW COUNT ALSO to this very eye catching version of our profiles!đŸ”„đŸ€ đŸ€  #BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquare #BinanceSquareImprovements

I have been shifting through the profiles of my Followers recently 🔍with the objective of thanking them for - well, yeah - Following me, when I noticed most of them could have easily accumulated a substantial Follower count 👬👬👬👬👬👬👬👬🎉🎊 if they pay a bit more attention in refining their profiles đŸŽšđŸ–Œïž

📱 You can enrich your profile using text in three data types: Bio, Nickname and Username. Available character space for the Bio is 160. For Nickname: 60 For Username 25. Keep in mind you can change your Username ONLY ONCE.

In my opinion, I think you should spend some serious time developing your Bio in BinanceSquare. This is the first thing your fellow Binancians would see when they visit your profile. Write something friendly and nice about yourself that makes you approachable. If not, add something professional. People do not touch the Follow button just because they feel like it. Many of them spend their time contemplating their decisions. Binancians are investors. They study well before they do something. Do not take it for granted that Binancians would follow you when you say "Follow to Follow".

If you need help developing a Bio please comment below. I'll reply 🙋

As for the Nickname and Username, I kept both same. Only difference is the @ mark.
You see, my Nickname is CryptoCry. My Username is @CryptoCry. Simple.

There's something additional I want to draw your attention to. You see the red arrow in the screenshot (at the end of this post) that indicates a tiny black arrow on top right hand corner?↗ You touch on it and you will see VERY BEAUTIFUL version of your profile that would really captivate anyone looking at it😃😃😃

A humble request to BinanceSquare Admin Ladies and Gentlemen: Please ADD VIEW COUNT ALSO to this very eye catching version of our profiles!đŸ”„đŸ€ đŸ€ 

#BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquare #BinanceSquareImprovements
đŸ”„ Bitcoin price hit $35,000 🚀 Over $395 million liquidated from the crypto market in the last 24 hours.
đŸ”„ Bitcoin price hit $35,000 🚀
Over $395 million liquidated from the crypto market in the last 24 hours.
What Google Bard predicted about MarsNext based on the project and team:đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸŽŻđŸŽŻđŸš€đŸš€ The MartianAcademy team has indeed contributed to Blockscout and other big projects. This is a positive sign for MarsNext, as it shows that the team has the experience and skills to build successful web3 projects. As for what MarsNext plans to launch in the coming future, the team has not yet released any specific details. However, given their focus on community building and rewarding participation, it is likely that they will launch products and services that are designed to engage and support their community. Some potential products and services that MarsNext could launch in the coming future include: 🎯 A DAO for community governance 🚀 A marketplace for community members to buy and sell goods and services đŸ”„ A launchpad for new web3 projects 👌 A social media platform for the web3 community 👍 A learn and earn platform for people to learn about web3 and earn rewards These are just a few examples, and the MarsNext team may have other ideas in mind. However, one thing is for sure: the team is passionate about web3 and building a community around it. Overall, I am bullish on MarsNext's future. The team has a proven track record of building successful web3 projects, and they are focused on community building and rewarding participation. I believe that MarsNext has the potential to become a leading player in the web3 space, and I am excited to see what they launch in the coming future. Although, we have not revealed any project plan, roadmap or any future planning yet, but still #google #ai has predicted pretty much same what we thing and planned, as of now we are concentrating on spreading #crypto, #blockchain & #web3    awareness and #EducationForAll . #AIProjects #BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareCommunity #BinanceSquareViral
What Google Bard predicted about MarsNext based on the project and team:đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸŽŻđŸŽŻđŸš€đŸš€

The MartianAcademy team has indeed contributed to Blockscout and other big projects. This is a positive sign for MarsNext, as it shows that the team has the experience and skills to build successful web3 projects.

As for what MarsNext plans to launch in the coming future, the team has not yet released any specific details. However, given their focus on community building and rewarding participation, it is likely that they will launch products and services that are designed to engage and support their community.

Some potential products and services that MarsNext could launch in the coming future include:

🎯 A DAO for community governance

🚀 A marketplace for community members to buy and sell goods and services

đŸ”„ A launchpad for new web3 projects

👌 A social media platform for the web3 community

👍 A learn and earn platform for people to learn about web3 and earn rewards

These are just a few examples, and the MarsNext team may have other ideas in mind. However, one thing is for sure: the team is passionate about web3 and building a community around it.

Overall, I am bullish on MarsNext's future. The team has a proven track record of building successful web3 projects, and they are focused on community building and rewarding participation. I believe that MarsNext has the potential to become a leading player in the web3 space, and I am excited to see what they launch in the coming future.

Although, we have not revealed any project plan, roadmap or any future planning yet, but still #google #ai has predicted pretty much same what we thing and planned, as of now we are concentrating on spreading #crypto, #blockchain & #web3    awareness and #EducationForAll .

#AIProjects #BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareCommunity #BinanceSquareViral
"SUGGEST AN EDIT" BUTTON: A humble request to BinanceSquare Admin Ladies and Gentlemen 🙏🙏 Can you please introduce a button 🔘 for all introduction sections of all Crypto coins and tokens registered in Binance? 🙏 (screenshot available at the end of this post) I can see that many coins and tokens have come a long way compared to the introduction you are currently displaying. đŸ€” You guys introduce this button; we as the BinanceSquare community will suggest edits. ✍ You can also introduce hierarchy levels for editing, like in Wikipedia â˜ș That way we can stay updated about latest technical advances in coins and tokens 😇 #BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquareImprovements
"SUGGEST AN EDIT" BUTTON: A humble request to BinanceSquare Admin Ladies and Gentlemen 🙏🙏 Can you please introduce a button 🔘 for all introduction sections of all Crypto coins and tokens registered in Binance? 🙏 (screenshot available at the end of this post)

I can see that many coins and tokens have come a long way compared to the introduction you are currently displaying. đŸ€”

You guys introduce this button; we as the BinanceSquare community will suggest edits. ✍ You can also introduce hierarchy levels for editing, like in Wikipedia â˜ș

That way we can stay updated about latest technical advances in coins and tokens 😇

#BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquareImprovements
😆😔😆LET'S GET A WALLET BALANCE INDICATOR FOR CONVERT đŸ’±đŸ”ąđŸ”­đŸ€ đŸ”„đŸ’Č I have about fifty different types of cryptocurrency in my funding wallet. 😖😕 My problem is when I am about to convert my USDT to a new type of cryptocurrency, I can't easily remember all the types of crypto that's already in my wallet.đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ€Ż If Binance Admin Ladies and Gentlemen could kindly introduce an indicator that shows us the existing balance of a cryptocurrency when we select that particular cryptocurrency to convert into, that would be great help. If we don't have that cryptocurrency in our wallet (may it be spot, funding or earning), the indicator should show us a zero balance. 😃👏 You guys have already introduced an indicator for the cryptocurrency we want to convert from. Why not introduce a one for the cryptocurrency we want to convert into?đŸ”„đŸ€  If you resolve this problem we could make converting decisions much better because we get an idea about what we have, what we don't have, how much we have from what and how much we are going to have from what. Sorry - that sounds confusing. But that's what it is all about. 😔 It would also save us from the trouble of worrying about converting into the same currency repeatedly. Say, we have 10 from WLD coin; but we can't remember we already have it. We will end up buying it again when we see a price dip.😋😝😆😔😣😖 It's ok. Whatever is fine when it's cheap. But if we get an indicator beforehand that we already have WLD coins in our wallet we could try some other type of coin. After all we should have a diverse cryptocurrency portfolio to spread out our risk.đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ€©đŸ˜˜đŸ„ł #BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquarePost #BinanceSquareImprovements

I have about fifty different types of cryptocurrency in my funding wallet. 😖😕

My problem is when I am about to convert my USDT to a new type of cryptocurrency, I can't easily remember all the types of crypto that's already in my wallet.đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ€Ż

If Binance Admin Ladies and Gentlemen could kindly introduce an indicator that shows us the existing balance of a cryptocurrency when we select that particular cryptocurrency to convert into, that would be great help. If we don't have that cryptocurrency in our wallet (may it be spot, funding or earning), the indicator should show us a zero balance. 😃👏

You guys have already introduced an indicator for the cryptocurrency we want to convert from. Why not introduce a one for the cryptocurrency we want to convert into?đŸ”„đŸ€ 

If you resolve this problem we could make converting decisions much better because we get an idea about what we have, what we don't have, how much we have from what and how much we are going to have from what. Sorry - that sounds confusing. But that's what it is all about. 😔

It would also save us from the trouble of worrying about converting into the same currency repeatedly. Say, we have 10 from WLD coin; but we can't remember we already have it. We will end up buying it again when we see a price dip.😋😝😆😔😣😖

It's ok. Whatever is fine when it's cheap. But if we get an indicator beforehand that we already have WLD coins in our wallet we could try some other type of coin. After all we should have a diverse cryptocurrency portfolio to spread out our risk.đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ€©đŸ˜˜đŸ„ł

#BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquarePost #BinanceSquareImprovements
REQUEST FOR UNLIMITED COMMENTS đŸ€—đŸ˜ƒđŸ™‹â€â™€ïžđŸ“đŸ™ŒđŸ”„ I have been posting the following simple comment on several BinanceSquare profiles that I found interesting during past few minutes: "Hello 😊Nice to meet 👋Which country are you fromđŸ˜ƒđŸ™‹â€â™€ïž" My objective was to make friends 👬with my fellow Binancians in BinanceSquare social media platform. đŸ€· Since there was no Private Messaging facility available, one of my innocent strategies was to drop a friendly hello to their first post article in BinanceSquare and meet new people đŸ€· Moments later, BinanceSquare notified me that I've been posting comments too frequently and that I won't be able to comment for a certain period of time.🙆 I guess this is a system generated restriction to prevent misuse of the comment feature.đŸ€Š However, in a way, it also contradicts one condition that BinanceSquare expects us to fulfill as one of their foremost tasks: Like and Comment Articles or Posts of fellow Binancians.🙅 In my opinion, either this task should be entailed with a condition that comply with the system generated restriction OR this restriction removed altogether to enable us to proceed with the comments. 🙎 I suggest that it would be great if unlimited commenting is enabled. 🙋 But if these comments include sensitive information, links to external websites, harmful content, etc. then it's quite reasonable for BinanceSquare Admins to activate the said restriction.🙋 Thank you very much for taking the time to read🙋🙏 #BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceFeatures #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareImprovements
REQUEST FOR UNLIMITED COMMENTS đŸ€—đŸ˜ƒđŸ™‹â€â™€ïžđŸ“đŸ™ŒđŸ”„ I have been posting the following simple comment on several BinanceSquare profiles that I found interesting during past few minutes:

"Hello 😊Nice to meet 👋Which country are you fromđŸ˜ƒđŸ™‹â€â™€ïž"

My objective was to make friends 👬with my fellow Binancians in BinanceSquare social media platform. đŸ€·

Since there was no Private Messaging facility available, one of my innocent strategies was to drop a friendly hello to their first post article in BinanceSquare and meet new people đŸ€·

Moments later, BinanceSquare notified me that I've been posting comments too frequently and that I won't be able to comment for a certain period of time.🙆

I guess this is a system generated restriction to prevent misuse of the comment feature.đŸ€Š

However, in a way, it also contradicts one condition that BinanceSquare expects us to fulfill as one of their foremost tasks: Like and Comment Articles or Posts of fellow Binancians.🙅

In my opinion, either this task should be entailed with a condition that comply with the system generated restriction OR this restriction removed altogether to enable us to proceed with the comments. 🙎

I suggest that it would be great if unlimited commenting is enabled. 🙋

But if these comments include sensitive information, links to external websites, harmful content, etc. then it's quite reasonable for BinanceSquare Admins to activate the said restriction.🙋

Thank you very much for taking the time to read🙋🙏

#BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceFeatures #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquareTrends #BinanceSquareImprovements
📰📰📰 Here are some of the latest crypto updates as of Sunday, November 5, 2023:đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty of fraud and conspiracy charges. The former CEO of FTX is facing up to 10 years in prison for his role in the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange. The global assets in spot bitcoin ETFs hit $4.16 billion. This represents a significant increase in investor interest in bitcoin ETFs. Bitcoin is currently trading at around $35,000. This is up from $27,500 earlier in few weeks. Altcoins are also seeing a boost, with many tokens up double digits in the past week. This is likely due to the recent surge in bitcoin prices. Here are some additional crypto news stories: BlackRock is reportedly considering offering bitcoin trading to its clients. This would be a major development for the cryptocurrency industry. The Matrixport investment firm is predicting that bitcoin could reach $56,000 by the end of the year. This is based on the firm's analysis of technical indicators. South Korean investors are reportedly showing a preference for altcoins over major cryptocurrencies. This is likely due to the recent outperformance of altcoins. Bitcoin is surging to all-time highs in Turkey and Nigeria. This is likely due to the high inflation rates in these countries. Bitcoin funding fee arbitrage trades are offering over 10% yield. This is a relatively high yield for a relatively low-risk investment. $BTC #CryptoNewsđŸ”’đŸ“°đŸš« #Bitcoin_Talk #BinanceSquareCommunity #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquareViral
📰📰📰 Here are some of the latest crypto updates as of Sunday, November 5, 2023:đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty of fraud and conspiracy charges. The former CEO of FTX is facing up to 10 years in prison for his role in the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange.

The global assets in spot bitcoin ETFs hit $4.16 billion. This represents a significant increase in investor interest in bitcoin ETFs.

Bitcoin is currently trading at around $35,000. This is up from $27,500 earlier in few weeks.

Altcoins are also seeing a boost, with many tokens up double digits in the past week. This is likely due to the recent surge in bitcoin prices.

Here are some additional crypto news stories:

BlackRock is reportedly considering offering bitcoin trading to its clients. This would be a major development for the cryptocurrency industry.

The Matrixport investment firm is predicting that bitcoin could reach $56,000 by the end of the year. This is based on the firm's analysis of technical indicators.

South Korean investors are reportedly showing a preference for altcoins over major cryptocurrencies. This is likely due to the recent outperformance of altcoins.

Bitcoin is surging to all-time highs in Turkey and Nigeria. This is likely due to the high inflation rates in these countries.

Bitcoin funding fee arbitrage trades are offering over 10% yield. This is a relatively high yield for a relatively low-risk investment.

$BTC #CryptoNewsđŸ”’đŸ“°đŸš« #Bitcoin_Talk #BinanceSquareCommunity #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquareViral
📰🗞🗞 Here are some of the latest crypto updates for November 1, 2023: đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ * **Bitcoin holds above $34,200 ahead of Fed interest rate decision.** Bitcoin has been trading above $34,000 for the past few days, and analysts say that it could continue to rally if the Fed's interest rate decision is seen as dovish. * **Crypto asset funds see biggest weekly inflows since last July.** According to CoinShares, crypto asset funds saw the biggest weekly inflows since last July in the week ending October 28, 2023. This suggests that institutional investors are becoming more bullish on crypto. * **Thailand's Kasikorn Bank buys majority stake in Satang crypto exchange for $103M.** Kasikorn Bank is one of the largest banks in Thailand, and its acquisition of Satang is a sign of the growing adoption of crypto in the country. * **Thailand's KBank starts $100M fund targeting AI and Web3.** KBank is another major bank in Thailand, and its new fund will invest in startups that are developing AI and Web3 technologies. * **Crypto market breadth widens, signals bullish momentum.** Crypto market breadth, which is a measure of how many different cryptocurrencies are rising in price, has widened in recent weeks. This suggests that the bullish momentum in the crypto market is spreading beyond just a few major coins. Overall, the crypto market is looking bullish at the moment. Bitcoin is trading above $34,000, institutional investors are increasing their investments, and major banks in Thailand are investing in AI and Web3 technologies. #CryptoNewsđŸ”’đŸ“°đŸš« #CryptoBullCycle #CryptoOpportunities #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquare $BTC $ETH
📰🗞🗞 Here are some of the latest crypto updates for November 1, 2023: đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

* **Bitcoin holds above $34,200 ahead of Fed interest rate decision.** Bitcoin has been trading above $34,000 for the past few days, and analysts say that it could continue to rally if the Fed's interest rate decision is seen as dovish.

* **Crypto asset funds see biggest weekly inflows since last July.** According to CoinShares, crypto asset funds saw the biggest weekly inflows since last July in the week ending October 28, 2023. This suggests that institutional investors are becoming more bullish on crypto.

* **Thailand's Kasikorn Bank buys majority stake in Satang crypto exchange for $103M.** Kasikorn Bank is one of the largest banks in Thailand, and its acquisition of Satang is a sign of the growing adoption of crypto in the country.

* **Thailand's KBank starts $100M fund targeting AI and Web3.** KBank is another major bank in Thailand, and its new fund will invest in startups that are developing AI and Web3 technologies.

* **Crypto market breadth widens, signals bullish momentum.** Crypto market breadth, which is a measure of how many different cryptocurrencies are rising in price, has widened in recent weeks. This suggests that the bullish momentum in the crypto market is spreading beyond just a few major coins.

Overall, the crypto market is looking bullish at the moment. Bitcoin is trading above $34,000, institutional investors are increasing their investments, and major banks in Thailand are investing in AI and Web3 technologies.

#CryptoNewsđŸ”’đŸ“°đŸš« #CryptoBullCycle #CryptoOpportunities #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquare $BTC $ETH
đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ Is #Altseason startedâ“ïžâ“ïžâ“ïžđŸźđŸźđŸź There are a few signs that suggests #altseason2023 may be on the horizon. Bitcoin dominance is declining. Bitcoin dominance is a metric that measures how much of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization is held by Bitcoin. When Bitcoin dominance declines, it means that altcoins are gaining market share. This is often seen as a sign that alt season is approaching. Altcoins are outperforming Bitcoin. In recent weeks, a number of altcoins have outperformed Bitcoin in terms of price performance. This is another sign that alt season may be underway. There is a lot of positive news and development in the altcoin space. Many altcoin projects are making significant progress in terms of development and adoption. This is creating a bullish sentiment for the altcoin market as a whole. What you should doâ“ïžâ“ïžâ“ïžđŸ§đŸ§đŸ§ - Look for altcoins that are outperforming Bitcoin and other altcoins. - Pay attention to altcoins that are making significant progress in terms of development and adoption. - Keep an eye on the Bitcoin dominance chart. If Bitcoin dominance starts to decline, it may be a sign that alt season is approaching. ***It is also important to remember that alt season is not a guarantee. It is important to do your own research and invest wisely. #CryptocurrencyForecast #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquare
đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ Is #Altseason startedâ“ïžâ“ïžâ“ïžđŸźđŸźđŸź

There are a few signs that suggests #altseason2023 may be on the horizon.

Bitcoin dominance is declining. Bitcoin dominance is a metric that measures how much of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization is held by Bitcoin. When Bitcoin dominance declines, it means that altcoins are gaining market share. This is often seen as a sign that alt season is approaching.

Altcoins are outperforming Bitcoin. In recent weeks, a number of altcoins have outperformed Bitcoin in terms of price performance. This is another sign that alt season may be underway.

There is a lot of positive news and development in the altcoin space. Many altcoin projects are making significant progress in terms of development and adoption. This is creating a bullish sentiment for the altcoin market as a whole.

What you should doâ“ïžâ“ïžâ“ïžđŸ§đŸ§đŸ§

- Look for altcoins that are outperforming Bitcoin and other altcoins.

- Pay attention to altcoins that are making significant progress in terms of development and adoption.

- Keep an eye on the Bitcoin dominance chart. If Bitcoin dominance starts to decline, it may be a sign that alt season is approaching.

***It is also important to remember that alt season is not a guarantee. It is important to do your own research and invest wisely.

#CryptocurrencyForecast #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquare
đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ XRP Price prediction by AI, based on last 10 years price action data. đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ Based on the last 10 years of XRP price action data, the following are some potential price predictions for the next few years: 2023: $0.72 - $0.90 2024: $1.20 - $1.50 2025: $2.00 - $2.50 2026: $3.00 - $3.50 2030: $5.00 - $10.00 These predictions are based on a combination of factors, including: Technical analysis: XRP has been trending upwards in recent months, and its technical indicators suggest that this trend could continue in the near future. Adoption: XRP is one of the most widely adopted cryptocurrencies in the world, and its adoption is continuing to grow. Utility: XRP has a number of real-world use cases, including cross-border payments and supply chain management. Market sentiment: Market sentiment towards XRP is generally positive, and this could help to drive up prices in the future. *** It is important to note that these are just predictions, and the actual price of XRP could go up or down depending on a variety of factors. However, the long-term outlook for XRP is positive, and it is possible that it could reach $10 or more in the next few years. $XRP #XRPPriceTargets #XRPglobal #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquarePost #BinanceSquare
đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ XRP Price prediction by AI, based on last 10 years price action data. đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

Based on the last 10 years of XRP price action data, the following are some potential price predictions for the next few years:

2023: $0.72 - $0.90

2024: $1.20 - $1.50

2025: $2.00 - $2.50

2026: $3.00 - $3.50

2030: $5.00 - $10.00

These predictions are based on a combination of factors, including:

Technical analysis: XRP has been trending upwards in recent months, and its technical indicators suggest that this trend could continue in the near future.

Adoption: XRP is one of the most widely adopted cryptocurrencies in the world, and its adoption is continuing to grow.

Utility: XRP has a number of real-world use cases, including cross-border payments and supply chain management.

Market sentiment: Market sentiment towards XRP is generally positive, and this could help to drive up prices in the future.

*** It is important to note that these are just predictions, and the actual price of XRP could go up or down depending on a variety of factors. However, the long-term outlook for XRP is positive, and it is possible that it could reach $10 or more in the next few years.

$XRP #XRPPriceTargets #XRPglobal #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquarePost #BinanceSquare
đŸ”„đŸ”„Crypto Market Update and News for November 1, 2023đŸ”„đŸ”„ - Bitcoin (BTC) is holding above $34,200 ahead of the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision today. #BTCđŸ”„đŸ”„ has gained over 20% in the past month, attributed to increased institutional adoption, growing retail demand, and anticipation of a potential Bitcoin ETF approval. - Solana (SOL) is also performing well, up over 10% today and nearly doubling in price since October 1st. This surge is likely due to new projects launching on the Solana blockchain, the popularity of Solana-based NFTs, and overall bullish market sentiment. - Financial services giants Fidelity and BNY Mellon have made significant moves into crypto in recent months. Fidelity launched a Bitcoin retirement account in March, and BNY Mellon announced in August that it would begin offering custody and asset management services for cryptocurrencies. These developments signal growing institutional interest and acceptance of crypto. - Crypto asset funds saw their biggest weekly inflows since last July, according to CoinShares. This suggests that investors are becoming more confident in the crypto market and are looking to gain exposure to digital assets. Other news: - The decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Unibot was hacked for millions of dollars yesterday, a reminder of the risks associated with DeFi. Investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance before investing in any DeFi projects. - FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried has claimed to suffer from memory loss, which could impact his upcoming trial on fraud and conspiracy charges. It remains to be seen how this will affect the trial, but it is certainly a development worth watching. - Billionaire investor Mike Novogratz has said that he is looking to invest more in Bitcoin, despite the recent volatility in the market. Novogratz has long been a bullish advocate for Bitcoin, and his continued faith in the asset is a positive sign for the long-term prospects of $BTC . #CryptoNewsđŸ”’đŸ“°đŸš« #BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquare
đŸ”„đŸ”„Crypto Market Update and News for November 1, 2023đŸ”„đŸ”„

- Bitcoin (BTC) is holding above $34,200 ahead of the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision today. #BTCđŸ”„đŸ”„ has gained over 20% in the past month, attributed to increased institutional adoption, growing retail demand, and anticipation of a potential Bitcoin ETF approval.

- Solana (SOL) is also performing well, up over 10% today and nearly doubling in price since October 1st. This surge is likely due to new projects launching on the Solana blockchain, the popularity of Solana-based NFTs, and overall bullish market sentiment.

- Financial services giants Fidelity and BNY Mellon have made significant moves into crypto in recent months. Fidelity launched a Bitcoin retirement account in March, and BNY Mellon announced in August that it would begin offering custody and asset management services for cryptocurrencies. These developments signal growing institutional interest and acceptance of crypto.

- Crypto asset funds saw their biggest weekly inflows since last July, according to CoinShares. This suggests that investors are becoming more confident in the crypto market and are looking to gain exposure to digital assets.

Other news:

- The decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Unibot was hacked for millions of dollars yesterday, a reminder of the risks associated with DeFi. Investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance before investing in any DeFi projects.

- FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried has claimed to suffer from memory loss, which could impact his upcoming trial on fraud and conspiracy charges. It remains to be seen how this will affect the trial, but it is certainly a development worth watching.

- Billionaire investor Mike Novogratz has said that he is looking to invest more in Bitcoin, despite the recent volatility in the market. Novogratz has long been a bullish advocate for Bitcoin, and his continued faith in the asset is a positive sign for the long-term prospects of $BTC .

#CryptoNewsđŸ”’đŸ“°đŸš« #BinanceSquareTalks #BinanceSquareViral #BinanceSquare
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