Binance Square
20 Posts
$APT APT Updates APT is one of the strong currencies in this bullish wave, targeting the following levels: - 10.5 - 13.5 - 16.7 ⚠ The trend turns bearish if the daily close is below 5.5, so follow the levels carefully and restructure your positions according to the upcoming updates. Stay tuned for more updates! {spot}(APTUSDT) #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #Write2Earn #APT_UPDATE

APT Updates

APT is one of the strong currencies in this bullish wave, targeting the following levels:

- 10.5
- 13.5
- 16.7

⚠ The trend turns bearish if the daily close is below 5.5, so follow the levels carefully and restructure your positions according to the upcoming updates.

Stay tuned for more updates!

#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #Write2Earn #APT_UPDATE
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APT update

Ű§Ű”Ù„ میÚș Ú©Ű±Ù†ŰłÛŒ کے ŰŻŰ§ŰŠŰ±Û’ میÚș ÙŸÛŒŰłÛ Ú©Ù…Ű§Ù†Ű§ ۧŰȘÙ†Ű§ Ù…ŰŽÚ©Ù„ نہیÚș ہے۔ میÚș ŰąÙŸ کو Ű§ÛŒÚ© Ù…ÙˆŰ«Ű± Ú©Ű±ÛŒÙŸÙčو Ú©Ű±Ù†ŰłÛŒ ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ÛŒÛ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÛŒ کۧ Ù…Ù†Ű”ÙˆŰšÛ ŰšŰȘۧŰȘۧ ہوÚșۛ ŰąÙŸ Ű§ŰłÛ’ 10,000 کے ÙŸŰ±Ù†ŰłÙŸÙ„ کے ۳ۧŰȘÚŸ Ù†Ű§ÙŰ° ک۱ ŰłÚ©ŰȘے ہیÚș۔ ŰŹŰš ŰšÙč Ú©ÙˆŰ§ŰŠÙ† کی ہفŰȘہ ÙˆŰ§Ű± Ù„Ű§ŰŠÙ† (WMA) MA20 ŰłÛ’ Ű§ÙˆÙŸŰ± ہو ŰȘو Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč میÚș ŰŻÙˆ ŰłÛ’ ŰȘین Ù…ŰŽÛÙˆŰ± Ù†ŰŠÛ’ ŰłÚ©Û’ ŰźŰ±ÛŒŰŻÙ†Û’ ÙŸŰ± ŰșÙˆŰ± Ú©Ű±ÛŒÚș۔ Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč کی Ű”Ù„Ű§Ű­ÛŒŰȘ Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ú©ÛŰ§Ù†ÛŒÙˆÚș کے ۳ۧŰȘÚŸ Ű§ŰšÚŸŰ±ŰȘی ÛÙˆŰŠÛŒ Ú©Ű±Ù†ŰłÛŒÙˆÚș کو ŰȘŰ±ŰŹÛŒŰ­ ŰŻÛŒÚșی ŰŹÛŒŰłÛ’ کہ Ű§Û’ ÙŸÛŒ Ùčی (ملŰȘے ŰŹÙ„ŰȘے Ű­Ű§Ù„Ű§ŰȘ کے ۳ۧŰȘÚŸ Ú©Ű±Ù†ŰłÛŒŰ§Úș)۔ Bitcoin ŰšÚ‘ÚŸÙ†Û’ ÙŸŰ± Ű§Ù† Ú©Ű±Ù†ŰłÛŒÙˆÚș میÚș ŰȘŰčŰ±ÛŒÙ کی Ű§ÛÙ… ÚŻÙ†ŰŹŰ§ŰŠŰŽ ہو ŰłÚ©ŰȘی ہے۔ Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč میÚș Ù†ŰŠÛ’ ŰłÚ©Û’ ۧک۫۱ ŰȘÙˆŰŹÛ Ű­Ű§Ű”Ù„ ک۱ŰȘے ہیÚș Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰšÙč Ú©ÙˆŰ§ŰŠÙ† کے ŰšÚ‘ÚŸÙ†Û’ ÙŸŰ± ŰȘیŰČی ŰłÛ’ ÙŰ§ŰŠŰŻÛ ۧÙčÚŸŰ§ŰȘے ہیÚșی کیونکہ وہ ŰčŰ§Ù… Ű·ÙˆŰ± ÙŸŰ± Ű§ŰšÚŸÛŒ ÙŸÙˆŰ±ÛŒ ۷۱ۭ ŰłÛ’ نہیÚș ŰšÚ‘ÚŸÛ’ ہیÚș Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ű§Ù† میÚș ŰȘŰ±Ù‚ÛŒ کی ŰšÛŰȘ ÚŻÙ†ŰŹŰ§ŰŠŰŽ ہوŰȘی ہے۔ ۧگ۱ Bitcoin MA20 ŰłÛ’ نیچے ŰąŰȘۧ ÛÛ’ŰŒ ŰȘو ŰąÙŸ کو Ù†Ù‚Ű”Ű§Ù†Ű§ŰȘ کو ÙÙˆŰ±ÛŒ Ű·ÙˆŰ± ÙŸŰ± Ű±ÙˆÚ©Ù†Û’ کی Ű¶Ű±ÙˆŰ±ŰȘ ہے۔ ÙŰ±Ű¶ Ú©Ű±ÛŒÚș کہ ŰąÙŸ کے ÙŸŰ§Űł 20,000 ÛŒÙˆŰąÙ† کۧ ÚˆÙŸŰ§ŰČÙč ÛÛ’ŰŒ ŰąÙŸ 10,000 ÛŒÙˆŰąÙ† کی ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ÛŒÛ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÛŒ ک۱ ŰłÚ©ŰȘے ہیÚș Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ù†Ű§Ú©Ű§Ù…ÛŒ کے ŰȘین Ű§Ù…Ú©Ű§Ù†Ű§ŰȘ کو ۚ۱ۯۧێŰȘ ک۱ ŰłÚ©ŰȘے ہیÚș۔ یہ Ű­Ú©Ù…ŰȘ Űčملی ŰąÙŸ کو Ű§ÙŸÙ†Û’ ŰȘÙ…Ű§Ù… ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ŰŠÛ’ کو مکمل Ű·ÙˆŰ± ÙŸŰ± Ú©ÚŸÙˆŰŠÛ’ ŰšŰșÛŒŰ± Ú†Ù†ŰŻ Ù†Ű§Ú©Ű§Ù…ÛŒÙˆÚș کۧ ŰȘŰŹŰ±ŰšÛ Ú©Ű±Ù†Û’ کی ۧۏۧŰČŰȘ ŰŻÛŒŰȘی ÛÛ’ŰŒ ŰŹŰł ŰłÛ’ Ù…ŰłŰȘÙ‚ŰšÙ„ کی Ú©Ű§Ù…ÛŒŰ§ŰšÛŒ کے لیے ÚŻÙ†ŰŹŰ§ŰŠŰŽ ŰšŰ§Ù‚ÛŒ Ű±Û ۏۧŰȘی ہے۔ ۧگ۱ ŰąÙŸ کی ŰźŰ±ÛŒŰŻÛŒ ÛÙˆŰŠÛŒ Ú©Ű±Ù†ŰłÛŒ 4-5 ÚŻÙ†Ű§ ŰšÚ‘ÚŸ ۏۧŰȘی ہے ŰȘو Ű§ŰłÛ’ وقŰȘ ÙŸŰ± ŰšÛŒÚ† ŰŻÛŒÚș۔ Ù…Ű«Ű§Ù„ کے Ű·ÙˆŰ± ÙŸŰ±ŰŒ ۧگ۱ APT ŰŹÛŒŰłÛŒ Ú©Ű±Ù†ŰłÛŒ کی قیمŰȘ 4-5 ÚŻÙ†Ű§ ŰšÚ‘ÚŸ ۏۧŰȘی ÛÛ’ŰŒ ŰȘو ŰąÙŸ کو ŰšŰ§ÛŰ± نکلنے ÙŸŰ± ŰșÙˆŰ± Ú©Ű±Ù†Ű§ Ú†Ű§ÛÛŒÛ’Û” ŰšÛŰȘ ŰČÛŒŰ§ŰŻÛ ŰšÚ‘ÚŸÙ†Û’ ÙˆŰ§Ù„ÛŒ Ú©Ű±Ù†ŰłÛŒŰ§Úș ۧک۫۱ Ű§ÛÙ… ÙÙˆŰ§ŰŠŰŻ Ù„Ű§ŰȘی ہیÚșی لیکن وہ ŰȘیŰČی ŰłÛ’ گ۱ ŰšÚŸÛŒ ŰłÚ©ŰȘی ہیÚșی ۧ۳ لیے ÙÙˆŰ§ŰŠŰŻ کو ŰšŰ±ÙˆÙ‚ŰȘ Ű­Ű§Ű”Ù„ Ú©ÛŒŰ§ ŰŹŰ§Ù†Ű§ Ú†Ű§ÛÛŒÛ’Û” ŰŹŰš Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ű±ÛŒÚ†ÚŸ ŰłÛ’ ŰšÛŒÙ„ میÚș ŰšŰŻÙ„ ŰŹŰ§ŰŠÛ’ ŰȘو ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ÛŒÛ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÛŒ کے ŰȘین Ù…ÙˆŰ§Ù‚Űč ŰłÛ’ ÙŰ§ŰŠŰŻÛ ۧÙčÚŸŰ§ŰŠÛŒÚș۔ ۧگ۱ Ú©Ű§Ù…ÛŒŰ§Űš ÛÙˆŰŒ ŰȘو ŰąÙŸ ÛŰ± ۚۧ۱ 5 ÚŻÙ†Ű§ ÙˆŰ§ÙŸŰłÛŒ Ű­Ű§Ű”Ù„ ک۱ ŰłÚ©ŰȘے ہیÚșی ŰȘÙ‚Ű±ÛŒŰšŰ§Ù‹ 125 ۚۧ۱ کی کل ÙˆŰ§ÙŸŰłÛŒ کے لیے۔ ۧ۳ Űčمل میÚș 1 ŰłÛ’ 3 ŰłŰ§Ù„ Ù„ÚŻ ŰłÚ©ŰȘے ہیÚș۔ ŰšŰ±ÙˆÙ‚ŰȘ Ű§Ù†ŰŻŰ±Ű§ŰŹŰ§ŰȘ Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰšŰ§ÛŰ± نکل ک۱ Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč کی ŰšŰ­Ű§Ù„ÛŒ ŰłÛ’ ممکنہ ÙÙˆŰ§ŰŠŰŻ کو ŰČÛŒŰ§ŰŻÛ ŰłÛ’ ŰČÛŒŰ§ŰŻÛ Ú©Ű±ÛŒÚș۔ ۧگ۱ ŰȘین ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ÛŒÛ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÛŒ Ù†Ű§Ú©Ű§Ù… ہو ۏۧŰȘی ÛÛ’ŰŒ ŰȘو یہ ۧ۳ ۚۧŰȘ کی ŰčÙ„Ű§Ù…ŰȘ ہو ŰłÚ©ŰȘی ہے کہ فیلڈ ŰąÙŸ کے لیے موŰČوÚș نہیÚș ہے Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰąÙŸ کو ŰŻÙˆŰšŰ§Ű±Û ۏۧۊŰČہ لینے کی Ű¶Ű±ÙˆŰ±ŰȘ ہے کہ ŰąÛŒŰ§ ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ÛŒÛ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÛŒ ŰŹŰ§Ű±ÛŒ Ű±Ú©ÚŸÛŒ ŰŹŰ§ŰŠÛ’Û” ۟ۧ۔ Ű·ÙˆŰ± ÙŸŰ±ŰŒ ممکنہ Ù†Ù‚Ű”Ű§Ù†Ű§ŰȘ کو کم Ú©Ű±Ù†Û’ کے لیے ۧŰčلی ŰźŰ·Ű±Û’ ÙˆŰ§Ù„Û’ ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ÛŒÛ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÛŒ کے Ű·Ű±ÛŒÙ‚ÙˆÚș ŰŹÛŒŰłÛ’ کہ مŰčŰ§ÛŰŻÛ کے لین ŰŻÛŒÙ† ŰłÛ’ ÚŻŰ±ÛŒŰČ Ú©ÛŒŰ§ ŰŹŰ§Ù†Ű§ Ú†Ű§ÛÛŒÛ’Û” ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ÛŒÛ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÛŒ کے Űčمل کے ŰŻÙˆŰ±Ű§Ù†ŰŒ ۔ۚ۱ ŰłÛ’ Ú©Ű§Ù… لیÚș Ű§ÙˆŰ± ۳۟ŰȘی ŰłÛ’ Ű§Ù†ŰŻŰ±Ű§ŰŹ Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ù†Ù‚Ű”Ű§Ù† کو Ű±ÙˆÚ©Ù†Û’ کی Ű­Ú©Ù…ŰȘ ŰčملیوÚș کی ÙŸŰ§ŰšÙ†ŰŻÛŒ Ú©Ű±ÛŒÚș۔ Ù…Ù†Ű§ŰłŰš Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč کے Ù…ÙˆŰ§Ù‚Űč ŰłÛ’ ÙŰ§ŰŠŰŻÛ ۧÙčÚŸŰ§ŰŠÛŒÚș Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ű§Ù†ŰŻÚŸÛŒ Ú©Ű§Ű±Ű±ÙˆŰ§ŰŠÛŒÙˆÚș ŰłÛ’ ÚŻŰ±ÛŒŰČ Ú©Ű±ÛŒÚș۔ ۔ۚ۱ Ú©Ű±ÛŒÚș Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰłŰ±Ù…Ű§ÛŒÛ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÛŒ کے Ù…ÙˆŰ§Ù‚Űč Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč کے Ű±ŰŹŰ­Ű§Ù†Ű§ŰȘ کی ŰȘŰ”ŰŻÛŒÙ‚ کۧ Ű§Ù†ŰȘ۞ۧ۱ Ú©Ű±ÛŒÚș
Aptos (APT) is currently experiencing a mixed sentiment in the market. In the short term, APT is showing a bearish trend with a current price around $6.61. It may face resistance at $7.84 and $12.79, while support levels are at $5.16 and $3.11. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicates it is nearly oversold, suggesting a potential rebound if market conditions improve. For the medium term, predictions suggest APT could rise significantly, potentially reaching $20.96 by September 2024, reflecting a bullish outlook. The overall market sentiment remains neutral, with volatility around 9.72%, indicating cautious optimism among investors. #AptosToTheMoon #APT_UPDATE #APTđŸ”„đŸ”„
Aptos (APT) is currently experiencing a mixed sentiment in the market. In the short term, APT is showing a bearish trend with a current price around $6.61. It may face resistance at $7.84 and $12.79, while support levels are at $5.16 and $3.11. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicates it is nearly oversold, suggesting a potential rebound if market conditions improve.
For the medium term, predictions suggest APT could rise significantly, potentially reaching $20.96 by September 2024, reflecting a bullish outlook. The overall market sentiment remains neutral, with volatility around 9.72%, indicating cautious optimism among investors.

#AptosToTheMoon #APT_UPDATE #APTđŸ”„đŸ”„
Aptos Price On Road To Recovery Is $6 A Turning Point? Right now, the price sits around $6.16, facing some serious bearish pressure. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is flashing a bearish signal, and there was a recent selloff. But wait, there's a bullish twist! Investor sentiment is actually positive, with many expecting a surge in price. They're making longs, and social media chatter is buzzing about APT's next move. So, what's next for Aptos? If the price stays above $6: We could see a rebound towards $6.40 and even $7! If it falls below $6: The critical support zones to watch are $5.60 and then $5. 🆘 The future of Aptos is uncertain, but one thing's for sure: it's a battleground between bulls and bears! Are you betting on a surge or a slump? Let us know in the comments! #Aptosï»ż #APT_UPDATE #BULLishWithBULL #MarketAnalysis
Aptos Price On Road To Recovery Is $6 A Turning Point?

Right now, the price sits around $6.16, facing some serious bearish pressure. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is flashing a bearish signal, and there was a recent selloff.

But wait, there's a bullish twist! Investor sentiment is actually positive, with many expecting a surge in price. They're making longs, and social media chatter is buzzing about APT's next move.
So, what's next for Aptos?

If the price stays above $6: We could see a rebound towards $6.40 and even $7!
If it falls below $6: The critical support zones to watch are $5.60 and then $5. 🆘

The future of Aptos is uncertain, but one thing's for sure: it's a battleground between bulls and bears!
Are you betting on a surge or a slump? Let us know in the comments!
#Aptosï»ż #APT_UPDATE #BULLishWithBULL #MarketAnalysis
APT-USDT on Binance - 4H Technical Analysis âšȘ RSI: 48.00 🔮 Stoch K: 18.00 âšȘ MFI: 34.00 âšȘ CCI: -38.00 âšȘ WR%: -75.00 10 25 50 100 200 EMA: 🔮 🔮 🔮 🔮 🔮 SMA: 🔮 🔮 ❇ 🔮 🔮 🔮 ADX Signal: -DI > +DI (Bearish) âšȘ ADX: 13.31 🔮 MACD Bearish Crossover ON 🔮 Parabolic SAR: Bearish *Always wait for break before taking trade!* #WRITE2EARN #APT_UPDATE
APT-USDT on Binance - 4H Technical Analysis

âšȘ RSI: 48.00
🔮 Stoch K: 18.00
âšȘ MFI: 34.00
âšȘ CCI: -38.00
âšȘ WR%: -75.00

10 25 50 100 200
EMA: 🔮 🔮 🔮 🔮 🔮
SMA: 🔮 🔮 ❇ 🔮 🔮

🔮 ADX Signal: -DI > +DI (Bearish)
âšȘ ADX: 13.31
🔮 MACD Bearish Crossover ON
🔮 Parabolic SAR: Bearish

*Always wait for break before taking trade!*

#APT_UPDATE PREMIUM SIGNAL #APT Showing Perfect Cup & Handle Pattern You Can Accumulate Here JOIN US FOR MORE

#APT Showing Perfect Cup & Handle Pattern You Can Accumulate Here
MASSIVE PARTNERSHIP! đŸ”„ Libre Brings Billions to $APT ! 👇 Libre has just partnered up with Aptos! That's a massive news because Libre will bring investment funds from big companies like Hamilton Lane and BlackRock to the Aptos blockchain! For who may doesn't know, Libre is a platform that enables the tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs). It acts like an infrastructure provider specialized in turning funds into digital tokens. Currently those funds are estimated for 90 billion so the impact on the market will be huge over time! In my opinion, this partnership outlined an increased credibility of the Aptos blockchain. In fact, the involvement of well-known financial institutions like BlackRock, adds legitimacy and trust to Aptos, potentially attracting more investors! At last, the integration of these funds can bring further development and innovation on Aptos, leading to an overall growth of its ecosystem! Do You Hold APT? đŸ€” Let Me Know In Comments! STAY TUNED! đŸ”„ & Remember, Your Support Is MASSIVELY Appreciated!👍đŸ’Ș Also Don't Forget To Share It To Your Buddy! 🎅 - DYOR 🙏 NFA.đŸ€ #AptosLabs #Aptosï»ż #APT_UPDATE #Marketupdates
MASSIVE PARTNERSHIP! đŸ”„ Libre Brings Billions to $APT ! 👇

Libre has just partnered up with Aptos! That's a massive news because Libre will bring investment funds from big companies like Hamilton Lane and BlackRock to the Aptos blockchain! For who may doesn't know, Libre is a platform that enables the tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs). It acts like an infrastructure provider specialized in turning funds into digital tokens. Currently those funds are estimated for 90 billion so the impact on the market will be huge over time!

In my opinion, this partnership outlined an increased credibility of the Aptos blockchain. In fact, the involvement of well-known financial institutions like BlackRock, adds legitimacy and trust to Aptos, potentially attracting more investors! At last, the integration of these funds can bring further development and innovation on Aptos, leading to an overall growth of its ecosystem!

Do You Hold APT? đŸ€” Let Me Know In Comments!

STAY TUNED! đŸ”„ & Remember, Your Support Is MASSIVELY Appreciated!👍đŸ’Ș Also Don't Forget To Share It To Your Buddy! 🎅 - DYOR 🙏 NFA.đŸ€

#AptosLabs #Aptosï»ż #APT_UPDATE #Marketupdates
$APT đŸš€â›‘ïž Looking for a solid long-term investment? Consider Aptos (APT)! Speaking of its current price 8.26 usdt, compared to its Market Cap along with the trading volume that it continuesly gaining; WITHOUT price upward reflection, that provides a very strong signal of very high potential for massive price increase eventually. I expect it will reach its previous peak of 20 usdt within3-4 weeks, which, if penetraded upward, will probably hit a 6X in 2 more months, hopefully! Its basic analysis; Aptos is designed for scalability and security, handling over 160,000 transactions per second with its cutting-edge consensus protocol. Its robust infrastructure supports future growth and adoption, making it a strong contender in the blockchain space. Invest in APT today and secure your stake in the future of decentralized technology!📊🌐 Important disclaimer: This is my own opinion and actual action. Make your own research before making any decision or action. Good luckđŸ€ž đŸ’” #Aptosï»ż #APT_UPDATE #LongTermInvestment #BlockchainFuture

đŸš€â›‘ïž Looking for a solid long-term investment?

Consider Aptos (APT)!

Speaking of its current price 8.26 usdt, compared to its Market Cap along with the trading volume that it continuesly gaining; WITHOUT price upward reflection, that provides a very strong signal of very high potential for massive price increase eventually. I expect it will reach its previous peak of 20 usdt within3-4 weeks, which, if penetraded upward, will probably hit a 6X in 2 more months, hopefully!

Its basic analysis; Aptos is designed for scalability and security, handling over 160,000 transactions per second with its cutting-edge consensus protocol. Its robust infrastructure supports future growth and adoption, making it a strong contender in the blockchain space. Invest in APT today and secure your stake in the future of decentralized technology!📊🌐

Important disclaimer: This is my own opinion and actual action. Make your own research before making any decision or action.

Good luckđŸ€ž đŸ’”
#Aptosï»ż #APT_UPDATE #LongTermInvestment #BlockchainFuture
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