The market price of BTC coin will drop very soon. Keep an eye out. On the chart table. The market price of BTC token may drop suddenly. Among all other tokens, several tokens will collapse skyrocketing. #PEPE❀

Doge Token is afraid of the way Shiba Inu or Pepe Token are taking the market around. Many people are going to invest in meme coins after selling BTC tokens. In fact, they will get more profit. 1 to 20 of the meme coins are going to rock the market. All eyes are mainly on the Shiba Inu coin. @BTC @Binance Global TĂŒrkçe @BTC @BTC Wires @BNB

Those of you who hold fast will benefit.


The way the crypto market collapsed scared all the investors. 10 dollars or 10000 dollars. As money is to him, so is dignity. Coins/tokens like Btc, BNB, shiba inu, doge, Pepe, Ada, etc. are starting to have market highs. In one of the previous posts I wrote that the share market is like a riverHard buns can come. Someone's loss is someone's gain. And every company thinks about the customers means the investors keeping their profit. This is the real rule. If someone comes to do social work, then he will definitely complain. But no one comes to do social work in coin or token market. let him go The fact is that those hereShib gave more than 20% return when the coin market fell. Other shots also yielded substantial gains. But those who invested at the moment of Shib's 2024 record are still running at a loss.

If you are afraid, then read the previous content, I hope you will be free from fear.

Everyone stick to your own way. Wish you earn lots of money.

Stay well stay healthy. #BTCEvent

I don't know or can't analyze other money. Just speaking from my personal experience.

Rix himself.