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When the operations are settled directly, Binance benefits, I do not believe that war story.

Rather, I think that many took advantage of the situation to make profits and make the market plummet, many sell at a loss so as not to lose all their money.

People who trade in futures are liquidated, almost 1 billion dollars lost with the liquidation of futures.

So I don't believe that story.

Obviously now they will start buying everything at a much lower price and will play the same game again, so operate with caution and caution.

Right now the market is dangerous before this situation or everything goes down even more, or it goes back up little by little.

But if everything continues like this everything could fall into a tailspin.

Don't even think about trading in futures or you will be liquidated.

As a punishment no one should operate in futures, minimi there should be a warning to users so that they do not lose their money.

It is my recommendation.