On the 57th day of robot automated trading, the rate of return officially doubled.

With yesterday's violent insertion, our strategy's return rate officially exceeded 100% after capturing it. From the first day I started running the pin strategy, I never expected the satisfactory result today. Finally, I did not let down the people who followed me.

At the beginning of running the strategy, the leverage I used was actually 8x. Then I encountered a correction of BTC from 4.8w to 3.9w. It was at that time that I realized the importance of controlling leverage risk and made up my mind to adjust the leverage. It was as low as 3x. Later it was proved that this was indeed the right decision. Otherwise, I might have lost my confidence when there was a huge retracement later. Even yesterday, I adjusted the leverage to 2x. I felt that not only should I make more money than anyone else, but I also had to live longer than anyone else. I will continue to run this strategy. In fact, few people who follow the order have followed it from the beginning to the present, but I hope that I will always be there.