There are many price predictions about #PIXEL . What is more intuitive is that the current PIXEL futures price on aevo has reached $0.39, and the exchange rate of $Berry, the general currency in the game, for PIXEL has further decreased. The range of $0.3 - $0.5 is more reasonable.

At present, my general understanding of the flywheel part of the economic model of PIXELS chain games is as follows:

The more popular it is, the more topical it will be -> Big money players will follow up and play. Buying PIXEL with krypton gold will show your status and buy skins to accelerate development -> PIXEL will increase in price, attracting more gold players to come in and work, and it will have a certain wealth effect and create topicality - > The topic becomes more popular.

There should be a flywheel effect throughout the closed loop. But a bigger prerequisite is whether the content of the game itself can support the player's gaming time and whether its social attributes are enough to create more topics.

I am now starting to experience the game myself and will share it again before #launchpad mining ends.