Smartphones are amazing devices that allow us to communicate, access information, and entertain ourselves. But they also have some drawbacks. They can be addictive, distracting, and intrusive. They can make us feel anxious, isolated, and overwhelmed. They can also limit our creativity, curiosity, and spontaneity.

But what if there was a device that could offer us the benefits of smartphones without the drawbacks? A device that could enhance our lives without dominating them? A device that could empower us to interact with the world in a more natural and meaningful way?

That's where Humane AI Pin comes in. Humane AI Pin is a wearable device that uses artificial intelligence to provide you with a variety of features and functionality. It is developed by Humane, a startup founded by two former Apple executives. It costs $699 and is expected to ship in early 2024.

Humane AI Pin is a small, lightweight device that magnetically attaches to your clothing. It has no screen, no buttons, and no apps. Instead, it uses a combination of sensors, projectors, and AI technology to understand your voice, gestures, and context. You can use it to make calls, send messages, play music, take photos, and more. You can also use it to translate languages, generate content, and learn new skills. Humane AI Pin can also project your phone onto your hand for interactive use, if you need a larger display.

Humane AI Pin is designed to be screen-free, hands-free, and app-free. It aims to reduce your dependence on your smartphone and give you more freedom and flexibility. It also aims to improve your well-being and happiness by helping you focus on what matters and connect with others. Humane AI Pin is not just a device, but a companion that learns from you and adapts to your needs.

Humane AI Pin runs on the Cosmos OS, a new operating system that uses ChatGPT and Bing generative AI tools. These tools enable Humane AI Pin to have natural and engaging conversations with you and perform complex tasks for you. Humane AI Pin can also access the internet and other devices through a SIM card or a USB-C adapter.

Humane AI Pin is the first of its kind. It is a revolutionary device that challenges the status quo of smartphone usage. It is a device that offers a more human-centered and personalized computing experience. It is a device that can change our habits and expectations regarding using smartphones and other devices.

If you are curious about Humane AI Pin and want to know more, you can visit their website[^1^][1] or follow them on social media. You can also pre-order your own Humane AI Pin[^2^][2] and be among the first to try this innovative device.

Are you ready to embrace the Humane AI Pin? 🐰