According to BlockBeats, Vivek Sen pointed out in an article (VIVEK: NO, YOU WON'T FIND OUT WHO SATOSHI NAKAMOTO IS NEXT WEEK) that HBO's preview of an upcoming documentary hinted that it might reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, sparking heated discussions, but perhaps it was just hype.

After the emergence of Bitcoin, people have never stopped trying to reveal the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, but almost every "revelation" has ended in failure. Recently, HBO previewed an upcoming documentary that hints at the possible revelation of Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity, which has once again sparked heated discussions among the public, but the documentary's revelation may be just hype. Long-term Bitcoin holders are skeptical that this attempt will not provide conclusive evidence. Similar attempts to reveal the secrets have been unsuccessful over the years.

Bitcoin has become a $1.2 trillion asset class, and Satoshi Nakamoto holds about 1.1 million Bitcoins, worth more than $65 billion. The temptation to reveal his identity is understandable, but real evidence remains elusive. The usual suspects such as Adam Back, Hal Finney or Nick Szabo may be mentioned again, but they will deny the allegations as always. Bitcoin's success is due to its decentralized design, not the influence of one individual. The periodic "cracked case" craze in the media often creates a lot of hype, but always disappoints. Bitcoin supporters should be skeptical of next week's "big reveal", which may be just a farce for sensationalism. The only person who can prove that he is Satoshi Nakamoto is Satoshi Nakamoto himself. Until then, the mystery will continue to exist.