In a groundbreaking move poised to reshape the future of two transformative industries, President-elect Donald Trump has appointed David Sacks, a renowned venture capitalist and co-founder of PayPal, as his administration’s new "AI and Crypto Strategist." Sacks, known for his collaborations with tech visionaries like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel on projects such as SpaceX and Palantir, will spearhead U.S. policy initiatives in artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency.

Announcing the decision on Truth Social, Trump emphasized the importance of Sacks’ role in maintaining America’s dominance in these rapidly evolving sectors. One of his primary tasks will be to craft a regulatory framework that provides clarity for the cryptocurrency market—a long-standing demand from industry stakeholders.

This appointment signals the U.S. government’s heightened focus on leveraging AI and digital currencies to stay ahead in the global innovation race. With his extensive experience in technology and finance, Sacks is well-positioned to lead these efforts and shape the future of AI and blockchain technologies in America. His leadership is expected to drive policy that balances innovation with regulation, ensuring sustainable growth in these pivotal industries



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