*Technical Indicators

- CoinMarketCap Ranking: #129

- Market Capitalization: 19 million USD.

- 24h Trading Volume: 39.17%

- Current Price Increase: 1.43 USD


- Unique business model: Combining stablecoin and governance token.

- High stability: USD0 is backed by short-term assets, low risk.

- Growth potential: Innovative distribution model, promoting ecosystem development.

- Decentralized governance: USUAL token allows users to participate in decision-making.

- High liquidity: USD0++ provides rewards for users.


- Legal risks: Stablecoins may be subject to regulation.

- Competition: The stablecoin market has many strong competitors.

- Technical risks: Security incidents may affect reputation.

- Dependence on USD0: The success of USUAL relies on the stability of USD0.

Investment Potential

- Short-term (3-6 months): 2-5 USD.

- Long-term (6-12 months): 5-10 USD.

- High long-term growth potential.

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