"Popular Tether USDt Conversions" and displays exchange rates for Tether (USDT) against various fiat currencies. It features a black background with neatly organized boxes containing the following conversions:

USDT to USD: 1 USDT = 0.9987644 USD

USDT to EUR: 1 USDT = 0.9633082 EUR

USDT to BRL: 1 USDT = 6.1224255 BRL

USDT to TRY: 1 USDT = 35.07 TRY

USDT to SAR: 1 USDT = 3.7453664 SAR

USDT to VND: 1 USDT = 25,464.16 VND

USDT to RUB: 1 USDT = 103.37 RUB

USDT to AUD: 1 USDT = 1.598023 AUD

USDT to INR: 1 USDT = 85.01 INR

Each box includes an icon of USDT and the respective fiat currency for clear visualization.