Best gaming layer 2 is immutable X IMX they are the original DK layer 2 that's built on top of ethereum to fully support gaming so that's their Niche uh today immutable has two layer 2 Solutions so they have the immutable X layer 2 which is built on top of starkware it only is a layer 2 focus on trading nft assets for games to complement that they have also released their immuable CK evm so this product is one of the only ZK rollups that's fully compatible with evm on the market today and it's targeted at gaming tokenomics wise is getting way better versus the last bll market today the IMX token sits at under $700 million and the total Supply out of circulating Supply is uh 1.2 billion out of 2 billion which is looking quite good IMX is worth holding for the next cycle for gaming join our Discord on for more Crypt trading and Analysis.

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