$XRP No, I have not sold my XRP bags. I knew the SEC was going to appeal as outlined in previous posts and I clearly stated that paper hands would sell. In fact, I’ve bought more on the dips and XRP is now my largest position to be held long-term. I expect to hold XRP for years from the outset. I will buy every single dip. Why? In defiance of corruption, as a protest. There is nothing more important in this world than stamping out corruption. The weasel head of the SEC reminds me of Randal from recess and was probably a hall monitor as a kid. He is clearly receiving back door deals from nefarious entities whom wish to hold XRP back as they know how disruptive it is. But that’s the thing, it IS a disruptive technology and it is the disruptors whom reign supreme in this world. I’ve said it many times and I will say it again, XRP holders WILL have the last laugh and it’s possible it will hit double digits this bull run and it will be worth hundreds by the 2033 bull run, mark my words and build that generational wealth 💪.

Stand in defiance of corruption and hold up your diamond hands, we will NOT be shaken out 💎🙌