Xiamen Sophgo, a Chinese chip designer linked to Bitmain, refuted any ties with Huawei after TSMC ceased dealings with them due to a US investigation into potential sanctions violations. Despite reports of Sophgo ordering chips from TSMC similar to Huawei's Ascend 910B, the company denied any association with Huawei. The US Commerce Department and TSMC discovered similarities between chips made for Sophgo and Huawei's AI chips. Founded by Bitmain's co-founder Micree Zhan in 2019, Sophgo's connection to Bitmain raised concerns. Zhan's focus on AI chip development led to his removal from Bitmain in 2019. The tension between Zhan and fellow co-founder Jihan Wu over the company's direction highlights the complexities within the organization. The denial of any business relationship with Huawei by Sophgo emphasizes their commitment to compliance with laws and regulations. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news