The bear market quietly sets in at the height of FOMO. Just when profits are soaring and greed fills the air, it begins subtly, often masked as a simple correction. It goes unnoticed, forming highs that gradually slip lower and bottoms that follow, leaving many traders in disbelief and denial.

In time, the initial euphoria fades. Traders who once reveled in gains now find themselves hoping merely to return to the peak—or even close to it—just to exit. This wishful thinking, however, turns into a trap, leaving them holding onto losses longer than planned, eventually draining their capital.

Key Lessons to Take Away

1. Recognize that a market peak is more of a range than an exact price point.

2. Avoid staying in the market until the very end. Exiting with profits is a smart move; if the market continues up afterward, let it. It’s better to tip the scales toward safety.

3. Understand that when a currency is set to move, it doesn’t require a year to reach its potential. Often, it only takes two to four weeks for a currency to spike between 5x and 10x.

4. Opportunities are always out there. Don’t let greed cloud your judgment—consistent small gains are better than risking your entire capital.

5. Don’t fall for the “this time is different” mentality. Stick to proven principles and remain cautious.

Staying disciplined and focused on realistic goals is far more rewarding than chasing dreams that might end in losses.


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