Dogecoin (DOGE) is a novelty cryptocurrency originally launched as a “memecoin” within the cryptocurrency community. Over time, however, Dogecoin has grown into a large blockchain network and is one of the most popular altcoins available in the market.

There is also a serious basis and reason for the creation and development of Dogecoin. Co-founders, Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus, two software engineers by professional background and experience, wanted to make cryptocurrency accessible to individuals outside of Bitcoin.

It was expressed by the founders that the oversaturation and difficulty in mining Bitcoin from the time of its creation to the start of Dogecoin, made it difficult for the common person to participate in the mining process. This was because of limited resources as well as technological experience. Dogecoin was envisioned as an entry for the less experienced to become involved in the crypto industry.

The launch of Bitcoin in 2009 catalyzed the creation and launch of many different cryptocurrencies, each offering different use cases and functionality. Dogecoin, however, offers no specific use cases — DOGE was a collaborative effort by the crypto community and is now listed on most major exchange platforms. #doge⚡ $DOGE