1. Current Price Action

Price: $68,136.01

24h High: $68,850

24h Low: $67,240

Price Direction: The chart shows a strong upward trend with higher highs and higher lows, indicating bullish momentum.

MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): The histogram is above zero, indicating bullish momentum, but the bars are starting to shrink, showing weakening momentum.

2. Key Indicators:

Volume: A recent spike in volume indicates renewed buying interest, supporting the current bullish move.

Moving Averages:

MA(5): $8.23

MA(10): $20.86

MA(60): $67,980 (Price is well above this long-term moving average, showing strong bullish trend).

RSI (Relative Strength Index): Not visible, but judging by the strong price rise, it could be near overbought territory.

Entry and Exit Strategy

Long Entry:

Entry Point (Buy): If the price sustains above $68,200 (previous highs), it can be a confirmation for a long entry. Look for a minor retracement (around $68,000 - $68,100) as an optimal entry point.

Take Profit (TP): Based on previous resistance, target levels can be $68,850 (24h high) and $69,500 (psychological resistance).

Stop Loss (SL): Place the SL below $67,240 (the 24h low) or tighter at $67,600 (previous support level).

Short Entry:

Entry Point (Sell): Enter short if the price falls below $67,600, breaking the previous support, with a close confirmation candle.

Take Profit (TP): Potential targets for short trades are $67,000 (psychological support) and $66,500.

Stop Loss (SL): Set the SL above $68,500 to manage risk in case of price reversal.

Trade Duration:

For long trades: 4-8 hours (as it is currently showing strong bullish momentum but weakening MACD suggests possible short-term consolidation).

For short trades: 2-6 hours (as the overall trend is bullish, and short trades could be risky against the trend).

Plan A, B, C, D (Contingency Plan)

Plan A: Long Trade

If the trade goes well:

Book partial profits at $68,850 and move stop-loss to breakeven.

Hold for a potential breakout to $69,500.

Plan B: Long Trade Failure

If the trade moves against you and hits $67,600 (Support broken):

Exit the long position at your stop loss ($67,600).

Consider switching to a short position if momentum indicates a trend reversal.

Plan C: Short Trade

If the short trade goes well:

Book partial profits at $67,000.

Move your stop loss to breakeven and let the trade run down to $66,500.

Plan D: Short Trade Failure

If price rises and hits your stop loss at $68,500:

Exit the short trade.

Wait for a consolidation or pullback before entering a new trade. Look for confirmation before re-entering the market.

Final Tips:

Watch for Breakouts: If the price breaks the $68,850 resistance level convincingly, adjust your stop-loss and let the position run.

Risk Management: Use a maximum of 2-3% of your capital per trade to manage risks.

This analysis assumes the indicators and current market sentiment stay the same, but keep monitoring for potential shifts.