As we step into 2024, I can’t help but feel disheartened by the recent Telegram airdrops on the TON Blockchain. Projects like Hamster Kombat, Catizen, Rocky Rabbit, and X Empire were nothing but disappointments. After all the hype, they left hard-working users like us with barely $10 for our time and efforts. It’s frustrating to see these projects overpromise and underdeliver, turning out to be scams that did nothing for the community.

However, amidst the failures, a few projects did shine through. Dogs, Notcoin, and Cats airdrops were the exception—they genuinely delivered good returns and proved they were here for the community. They showed that there are still projects worth trusting and supporting in this space.

As we get closer to 2025, let’s take these lessons to heart. Do your research, stay cautious, and focus on projects that demonstrate real value for users. Despite the setbacks, the TON ecosystem holds potential if we support the right initiatives. Let’s stay positive, continue learning, and build a better future for everyone in this space.

Don't forget to boycott such scam projects!

Thank you!

🚨Note🚨- CATS rewarded people who bought the OG pass. I consider it as a good project. However,its upto you to decide whether you like a project or not.