Rate in Pakistan

US Dollar Rate in Pakistan - USD to PKR Exchange Rate History:

As of October 24, 2024, the exchange rate for the US dollar in Pakistan is 278.8 PKR. Live rates are updated hourly to provide the most accurate conversion. This USD to PKR rate reflects the open market rates determined by currency exchange dealers in Pakistan. For your convenience, a comprehensive history of USD to PKR rates for the past 30 days is also available, allowing you to easily review last month's dollar rates.

Current Dollar Rate in Pakistan - USD to PKR Exchange Rate History

As of October 24, 2024, the exchange rate for the US dollar in Pakistan stands at 278.8 PKR. Live updates on the rates occur hourly to ensure accurate conversions. This rate reflects the open market prices set by currency exchange dealers in Pakistan. Additionally, a complete history of USD to PKR rates for the past 30 days is available for your reference, making it easy to review last month’s rates.

Current Dollar Rate: 278.8 PKR

Exchange Rates:

Date: 24-10-2024

Buying: 277.3 PKR

Selling: 278.8 PKR

Previous Days:

23-10-2024: Buying 277.3 PKR, Selling 278.8 PKR

22-10-2024: Buying 277.3 PKR, Selling 278.8 PKR

21-10-2024: Buying 277.85 PKR, Selling 279.35 PKR

20-10-2024: Buying 277.75 PKR, Selling 279.25 PKR

(And so on for previous dates.)
