Scroll’s Market Cap Crashes Below $1 Billion – What Happened to the Early Hype?

Remember when Scroll was the talk of the town, with early backers valuing it at a whopping $10 billion? During the peak of the FOMO frenzy, OTC buyers were snapping up shares at that valuation. But now, Scroll’s market cap has plunged to just $2 billion—an 80% haircut—and even at these levels, nobody wants to buy locked-up shares.

Interestingly, I found out later that many early investors quietly offloaded their allocations to OTC buyers, cashing out well before the storm hit. The project team? Completely in the dark about these backdoor deals.

So, who’s really the “friend of time” here? Those early investors who bailed out while they could, or the project team still grinding away, hoping for a turnaround?

This market isn’t just about technology—it’s also a game of strategy. And if you don’t play it right, someone else will.