In 2010, a 22-year-old college student named Evan was browsing an online tech forum when he stumbled upon a post about something called “Bitcoin.” It was a new form of digital currency, created by a mysterious figure named Satoshi Nakamoto. Intrigued by the idea of a decentralized currency free from government control, Evan decided to give it a shot. Back then, Bitcoin wasn’t worth much—just a few cents per coin—but he was curious about the technology.

Evan decided to purchase 20,000 Bitcoins, which cost him around $100 at the time. He stored them on his hard drive and, like many early adopters, forgot about them for a while, not thinking much of their future value.

Years later, in 2017, as Bitcoin's price skyrocketed, Evan remembered his stash. However, there was one big problem—he couldn’t find the hard drive. It had been tossed during a routine cleanup! What was once a small investment had turned into a fortune, but now it was lost forever.

As Bitcoin’s value continued to soar, reaching highs of nearly $20,000 per coin at one point, Evan realized the true magnitude of his loss. If he still had those 20,000 Bitcoins, they would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars—an unimaginable sum.

Despite the heartache, Evan learned a valuable lesson about the importance of keeping track of investments, no matter how small they might seem at the time. What started as a curious experiment turned into a $50 million mistake that will go down in crypto history.

It’s a reminder that hindsight is 20/20, and sometimes the smallest decisions can have the biggest consequences.

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