Samson Mow, CEO of bitcoin tech company Jan3 and a former advisor to El Salvador during its adoption of bitcoin as legal tender, recently took to Twitter to share his thoughts on a national BTC strategy for Germany. He proposed that the German government allocate 281,267 BTC (approximately $19 billion) as a strategic reserve asset. Mow believes that this move would be a wise investment for Germany, as it would provide the country with a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. He also pointed out that several other countries, including El Salvador and Ukraine, have already adopted Bitcoin as legal tender or a reserve asset. Mow's suggestion has sparked a lot of debate within the crypto community. Some people believe that it is a good idea for Germany to diversify its reserves and include Bitcoin. Others are more skeptical, arguing that Bitcoin is too volatile to be considered a reliable reserve asset. Only time will tell whether Germany will follow El Salvador's lead and adopt Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset. However, Samson Mow's comments have certainly sparked a lot of discussion about the potential role of Bitcoin in the global financial system.