In 2012, a man named Stefan Thomas, a programmer from San Francisco, was paid 7,002 Bitcoins for creating a video explaining how Bitcoin works. He stored his Bitcoin on a secure hard drive, known as an IronKey, which requires a password to access the contents. The catch? He forgot the password.

IronKey allows only 10 attempts before permanently encrypting its contents. Stefan has already used 8 attempts, leaving just 2 tries to unlock his fortune. At one point, when Bitcoin hit an all-time high, the value of his lost fortune reached $240 million.

Today, Stefan keeps the IronKey in a secure location but chooses not to dwell on it too much, as he tries to live life without regret. In his words, “Time heals all wounds.” Although he hasn’t given up hope, it’s a nerve-racking situation knowing that two wrong guesses could mean losing a fortune forever!

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