
Blockchain is a decentralized technology that allows data to be stored securely and transparently across multiple nodes in a network.

Questions related to how to create a blockchain, storing data in it, and the potential impact if a node is lost are important to understand in the development and use of blockchain.

How to Make a Blockchain

Blockchain is built from a series of interconnected blocks, where each block contains transaction data, a unique hash, and the previous block's hash. Blockchain creation involves several stages:

  • Building the block structure:

    Each block must have basic elements such as data, hash, and hash reference of the previous block.

  • Building a blockchain:

    Blockchain consists of many interconnected blocks, starting from the genesis block (the first block).

  • Chain validation:

    Each new block added must be verified to ensure there have been no unauthorized changes.

Blockchains can be created with programming languages ​​such as Python and utilize consensus algorithms such as Proof of Work (PoW) to maintain data integrity.

Data Storage in Blockchain

Data storage on blockchain is different from traditional centralized systems because blockchain uses distributed storage.

Every node in the network stores a complete copy of the blockchain, meaning there is no single point of failure that could cause data loss.

Data stored in the blockchain is usually in the form of:

  • Financial transactions:

    As in Bitcoin.

  • Smart contracts:

    On blockchains like Ethereum.

Blockchain is not a place to store large files. For that, technologies like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) can be used for distributed storage of large files, with the blockchain only storing pointers to the files.

What Happens If a Node Goes Missing?

If a node in the blockchain is lost or goes offline, there is no major impact on the network or data because the blockchain is decentralized.

Here are some important points regarding node loss:

  • Data remains safe:

    Since many other nodes keep complete copies of the blockchain, the loss of one or more nodes does not affect the entire network.

  • Nodes can rejoin:

    Lost nodes can come back online and synchronize the lost data.

  • Consensus remains assured:

    A blockchain network can still reach consensus even if some nodes are offline.

  • Centralization risks:

    If too many nodes are lost, there is a risk of centralization where control of the network is concentrated in a few nodes. However, this is rare in large networks.

  • 51% Attack:

    The potential for attacks on the network can increase if many nodes are lost, especially on small blockchain networks.


Conclusion Blockchain is a powerful and secure technology for distributed data storage. The creation of a blockchain involves a structure that ensures data integrity through the use of hashes and a distributed network.

Data storage on the blockchain is secure because it is spread across many nodes, and the loss of a node will not have a significant impact on the security of the network.

However, too many missing nodes can increase the risk of centralization and attacks on the network.