$BTC Longs constantly dream of 100,000 and constantly losing their panties. Now a lot of people are writing that October is a bullish month, etc., putting forward their charts, which they compare with previous years, and shouting about 100,000. I understand that it is easier to live with faith, but why don't you want to see that BTC cannot even gain a foothold at around 70k, I'm not even talking about 80k ... even at 70k, everyone will drain. You must understand that BTC is a highly risky and volatile asset, for it to stand even at 80-90k, colossal infusions are needed, and to hold it even more.

In our unstable world, you want stability in BTC, it's funny to hear.

At the moment, BTC is primarily a speculative asset, and only then a technologically interesting project. I am not against BTC in any way, but comparing this year's BTC charts with those of previous years is like poking a finger in the sky. A lot of variables have happened. Technically, we are already at the peak, and there has not been a global fall since the adoption of the ETF, and there will be a fall, whether you like it or not. Your panties, like money, are in your hands, use them wisely.