The "Hamster Kombat" project, including its spinoff "Hamster Cash," has raised numerous scam allegations within the crypto community. Originally launched as a play-to-earn game on Telegram, it garnered significant attention but faced increasing criticism due to internal conflicts, broken promises, and technical issues. There are reports of app glitches that resulted in users losing earned tokens, and concerns about the project's transparency, as it lacks a dedicated website and clear communication from its anonymous team.

One major issue is the delay in launching the game's native token, $HMSTR, which has fueled speculation that the project might be a scam. Some allegations include failure to honor profit-sharing promises and leadership conflicts, particularly with key investors. Furthermore, spinoff projects like "Hamster Cash" are also being viewed skeptically as they seem to offer vague promises without clear operational plans, which is a red flag in the crypto space.

If you are considering participating, it's recommended to approach this project with caution, conduct your own research (DYOR), and avoid any financial investment until more reliable information is available.

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