According to "Techcrunch" website, the arrest of Telegram CEO in France is impacting the apps traction and ranking.

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram was arrested last Saturday in France, for allegedly allowing illegal activities of some users of his app and by failing to "moderate messages" adequately.

Accusations that a large part of public opinion, all over the world, perceives as being an attempt to censor or to control telegram app. Personalities such as Elon Musk, Edward Snowden, Vitalik Buterin, Andy Yen (the founder of "Proton Mail"), and Chris Pavlovski (the founder of Rumble) have condemned the arrest and called for Pavel's release.

On the other hand, Telegram is currently seeing an impressive increase in downloads, sending it to the second position position on the USA App Stores's Social Networking charts, to the first position in France and boosting its global downloads all over the world.

This impressive increase in the number of Telegram downloads since Durov's arrest confirms the general outcry caused by this measure which is perceived as an unprecedented attack on freedom of speech, butalso the popular support for Durov and for the protection of privacy all over the world.

#FreeDurov #TelegramCEO #CryptoNewss #PrivacyIsNotACrime #TonCoin