🪙 Pavel Durov Founder of Telegram, First Interrogated in Paris Court
✅ On December 6, Pavel Durov, the founder of the famous messaging app Telegram, was interrogated for the first time in a court in Paris, France. This interrogation took place in the context of a legal investigation related to allegations that the app founded by Durov facilitated criminal activities.
🚀 Details About Pavel Durov's Interrogation
✅ Pavel Durov appeared in the Paris court at 4 PM Vietnam time, along with his two lawyers, David-Olivier Kaminski and Christophe Ingrain. According to information from Agence France-Presse (AFP), the interrogation mainly focused on allegations that Telegram has been used to conduct illegal transactions.
🚀 Legal Context
✅ Telegram founder Pavel Durov underwent his first interrogation at the Paris Court after being detained. Durov was released after posting a bail amounting to $6 million; however, he is still subject to restrictions on leaving French territory until March 2025. Prosecutors in France have made serious allegations against Durov, claiming that he has operated the Telegram platform, where they allege, many illegal activities have taken place.
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