#xem OMG, WAVES and XEM are delisted. What can we learn?
Binance has delisted OMG, WAVES and XEM, which are among the top 50 cryptocurrencies in the last bull market. As one of the cryptocurrencies with the highest market value in Thailand, the delisting of OMG may make people realize that nothing is impossible in the cryptocurrency circle.
Because you never know when they will be delisted. Once they are delisted, they will plummet or even return to zero. If you are still not convinced, you can think about the death spiral of luna. At the same time, many newly launched cryptocurrencies are star projects recommended by An An. In this case, the price of new coins soared, while old coins such as OMG were delisted, causing the price to plummet. This phenomenon is really incredible.
Summary: Shanzhai is used to make money to buy BTC. Don't make a pattern on Shanzhai.
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