Not Equal. Suitable for any type of expression.
expr1 != expr2
Return value
boolean or series
Modulo(remainder after division). Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 % expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
Multiplication. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 * expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
Addition or unary plus operator。Suitable for numeric expression or string。
expr1 + expr2
+ expr1
Return value
Used to concatenation operator for string. For numeric operation, if one of the type is a series, then it will return series, followed by if one of the type is float then it will rturn float, and if both type is integer it will result in integer. Can be used as unary operation.
You can use arithmetic operators with numbers and series. In this case, all item in series will be run the operation.
Substraction or unary minus operator. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 - expr2
- expr1
Return value
integer or float or series
Division。Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 / expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
Exponent operator。Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 ** expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
Modulo assignment(save remainder after division to a variable). Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 %= expr2
Equilavent to
expr1 = expr1 % expr2
expr1 must be defined before being assigned.
Mulitiplication assignment. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 *= expr2
Equilavent to
expr1 = expr1 * expr2
expr1 must be defined before being assigned.
Addition assignment. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 += expr2
Equilavent to
expr1 = expr1 + expr2
expr1 must be defined before being assigned.
Subtraction assignment. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 -= expr2
Equilavent to
expr1 = expr1 - expr2
expr1 must be defined before being assigned.
Division assignment. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 /= expr2
Equilavent to
expr1 = expr1 / expr2
expr1 must be defined before being assigned.
Less Than. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 < expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
More Than. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 > expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
Less Than or Equal To. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 <= expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
Greater Than or Equal To。Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 >= expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
Equal. Suitable for numeric expression.
expr1 == expr2
Return value
integer or float or series
Conditional ternary operator.
expr1 ? expr2 : expr3
Not recommended
result = close > open ? highest(close,10) : lowest(close,10)
Recommended way
hi= highest(close,10)
lo = lowest(close,10)
result = close > open ? hi : lo
myInput = input(2,type="int")

result = myInput == 2 ? highest(close,10) : lowest(close,10)
if expr1 is evaluated true,then expr2,otherwise expr3.
Tuple member reference.
def fun(i,j):
    return i,j

(a,b) = fun(1,2)
r = fun(1,2)
(c, d) = r
e  = r[0]
f = r[1]
Return value
integer or float or series
Logical Conjunction. Suitable for boolean expression。
expr1 and expr2
Return value
boolean or series
Logical Disjunction。Suitable for boolean expression。
expr1 or expr2
Return value
boolean or series
Negation。Suitable for boolean expression。
expr1 or expr2
Return value
boolean or series
For statement allows repeated execution of some instructions. When the loop is not cancelled by break, it will execute the following else statement block
sum = 0
for i in range(0,10,2):
    sum += i
     sum = 20
The if statement define a block of statement to be executed when the expression condition is met.
sum = 0
if close >open:
elif close == open:
    sum += 2
else :
    sum+= 3
Recommended way to use when construct with ema, sma etc.
sum = 0
ema1 = ema(close,2)
ema2 = ema(close,9)
ema3 = ema(close,19)
if close >open:
elif close == open:
    sum += ema2
else :
    sum+= ema3
Not recommended
sum = 0
if close >open:
elif close == open:
    sum += ema(close,9)
else :
    sum+= ema(close,19)
def to define function
def my_fun(i,j=open):
    return i,j

(x,y) = my_fun(close)
result = my_fun(close,open)
(a,b) = result
m = result[0]
n = result[1]
Current opening price
Current high price
Current low price
Current closing price
Current time
Current volume
Plot a series of data on the chart
plot(series, title, color, linewidth, style) → plot
plot(high+low, title="Title", color="#00ffaa", linewidth=2, style="area",histbase=0,offset=-10)

# You may fill the background between any two plots with a fill() function:
p1 = plot(open)
p2 = plot(close)
Return value
A plot object, that can be used in fill
series (series)Data series to be drawn. Required.
title (const string)Title.
color (color)Color of drawn line. You can use 'color = "red"' or 'color ="#ff001a"' or complex expression like 'color = close >= open ? "green" : "red"'. Optional.
linewidth (input integer)Width of the drawn line, use a vlua from 1 to 4. Default value is 1. Not applicable to every style.
style (input integer) Drawing type. Possible value:"line" "histogram","cross","area". Default value is "line".
histbase (input float)When rendering the drawing using the "area" style,this specifies the price axis’ starting point for the columns。 Default value is 0.0。
offset (integer)Specifies if the K-lines should shift to the left (with negative values) or to the right (with positive values). Default value is 0。
Plot a series of data on the chart
fill(plot1, plot2, color, title) → void
# You may fill the background between any two plots with a fill() function:
p1 = plot(open)
p2 = plot(close)
fill(p1, p2, color=color("green",50))
Return value
Fills background between two plots with a given color.
plot1 (plot)First plot series to be drawn。 Required.
plot2 (plot)Second plot series to be drawn. Required.
color (color)Color of drawn line. You can use 'color = "red"' or 'color ="#ff001a"' or complex expression like 'color = close >= open ? "green" : "red"'. Optional.
title (const string)Title of the filled object created. Optional.
The timestamp function returns the specified date and time in UNIX time.
timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) → integer
show = timestamp(2016, 01, 19, 9, 30) > time 
plot(time>timestamp(2020, 7, 19, 9, 30, 15)?2:1)
Return value
year (integer) Year
month (integer) Month
day (integer) Day
hour (integer) Hour
minute (integer) Minute
second (integer) (Optional)Second. Default is 0
The difference between the current value and the previous value, x - x[y].
change(source, length) → series[float]
Return value
Series differences
source (series)
length (integer) Offset from the current K-line to the previous K-line
The moving average used in RSI. It is an exponentially weighted moving average line, alpha's weighted value = 1 / length.
rma(source, length) → series[float]
plot(rma(close, 15))

# less efficient
def my_rma(src, length):
    alpha = length
    sum = 0.0
    sum = na(prev(sum,1)) ? sma(src, length) : (src + (alpha - 1) * nz(prev(sum,1))) / alpha
    return sum
plot(my_rma(close, 15))
Return value
Exponential moving average of x = 1 / y.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length).
Lowest value of a given series
lowest(source, length) → series[float]
plot(lowest(close, 15))
Return value
Lowest value
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Highest value of a given series
highest(source, length) → series[float]
plot(highest(close, 15))
Return value
Highest value.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Momentum of price x and price x of a given series. This is just the difference between x - x[y].
mom(source, length) → series[float]
plot(mom(close, 15))
Return value
Momentum of price x and price x of a given series.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
CCI (Commodity Path Index) is calculated by dividing the difference between the typical price and its simple moving average by the mean deviation. The index is scaled by an inverse factor of 0.015, to provide more readable value.
cci(source, length) → series[float]
plot(cci(close, 15))
Return value
x commdity path index of the past y line
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Deviation between series and sma
dev(source, length) → series[float]
plot(dev(close, 10))

def my_dev(source, length):
    mean = sma(source, length)
    sum = 0.0
    for i in range(0, length - 1):
        val = prev(source,i)
        sum = sum + abs(val - mean)
    dev = sum/length
    return dev
plot(my_dev(close, 10))
Return value
Deviation of y and x
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
The offset of the lowest value from a given number of bars.
lowestbars(source, length) → series[float]
plot(lowestbars(close, 15))
Return value
Offset to the lowest k-line.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
The offset of the highest value from a given number of bars.
highestbars(source, length) → series[float]
plot(highestbars(close, 15))
Return value
Offset to the highest k-line.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Test if x series rise along y axis.
rising(source, length) → series[float]
Return value
If the current x is greater than any previous x on the past y line, return true, otherwise return false.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Test if x series fall along y axis.
falling(source, length) → series[float]
Return value
If the current x is less than any previous x on the past y line, return true, otherwise return false.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Variance is an expectation of a series of mean deviations(sma), and informally measures the degree to which a set of numbers is evenly distributed
variance(source, length) → series[float]
plot(variance(close, 15))

# but less efficient
def my_variance(x, len):
    sm = sma(x, len)
    return sma(x*x,len) - sm*sm

plot(my_variance(close, 15))
Return value
The x variance of the past y line.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
The vwma function returns volume weighted moving average. It's the same as: sma(x * volume, y) / sma(volume, y)
vwma(source, length) → series[float]
plot(vwma(close, 15))

# but less efficient
def my_vwma(x, y):
    return sma(x * volume, y) / sma(volume, y)
plot(my_vwma(close, 15))
Return value
The x volume weighted moving average of the past y line.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
The sma function returns the simple moving average, which is the last y value of x, divided by y.
sma(source, length) → series[float]
plot(sma(close, 15))

#less efficient
def my_sma(x, y):
    sum = 0.0
    for i in range(0, y - 1):
        sum = sum + prev(x,i) / y
    return sum
plot(my_sma(close, 15))
Return value
The simple moving average of x for the past y line.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
The ema function returns the exponentially weighted moving average. The weighting factor in ema decreased exponentially. 它It is calculated by the formula: EMA = alpha * x + (1-alpha) * EMA[1], where alpha = 2 / (y + 1)
ema(source, length) → series[float]
plot(ema(close, 15))

def my_ema(src, length):
    alpha = 2 / (length + 1)
    sum = 0.0
    sum = na(prev(sum,1)) ? sma(src, length) : alpha * src + (1 - alpha) * nz(prev(sum,1))
    return sum
Return value
Exponential moving average of x where alpha = 2 / (y + 1)
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
The wma function will get back the weighted moving average of x on the y line. In wma, the weighting factor is reduced in the arithmetic process.
wma(source, length) → series[float]
plot(wma(close, 15))

# less efficient
def my_wma(x, y):
    norm = 0.0
    sum = 0.0
    for i in range(0, y - 1):
        weight = (y - i) * y
        norm = norm + weight
        sum = sum + prev(x,i) * weight
    return sum / norm
plot(my_wma(close, 15))
Return value
The x-weighted moving average of the past y line.
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Relative strength index. It is calculated based on the upward and downward changes of x's rma.
rsi(source, length) → series[float]
plot(rsi(close, 7))
# less efficient
def my_rsi(x, y):
    u = max(x - prev(x,1), 0) # upward change
    d = max(prev(x,1) - x, 0) # downward change
    rs = rma(u, y) / rma(d, y)
    res = 100 - 100 / (1 + rs)
    return res

plot(my_rsi(close, 7))
Return value
Relative strength index (RSI)
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Standard deviation
stdev(source, length) → series[float]
plot(stdev(close, 5))

def isZero(val, eps):
    return abs(val) <= eps

def SUM(fst, snd):
    EPS = 0.0000000001
    res = fst + snd
    result = 0
    if isZero(res, EPS):
        result = 0
        if not isZero(res, 0.00001):
            result = res
            result = 15
    return result
def my_stdev(src, length):
    avg = sma(src, length)
    sumOfSquareDeviations = 0.0
    for i in range(0, length - 1):
        sum = SUM(prev(src,i), -avg)
        sumOfSquareDeviations = sumOfSquareDeviations + sum * sum

    stdev = sqrt(sumOfSquareDeviations / length)
    return stdev
plot(my_stdev(close, 5))
Return value
Standard deviation
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
The sum function returns the sliding sum of last y values of x.
sum(source, length) → series[float]
Return value
Sum of x of the past y line,
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
The hma function returns the Hull Moving Average
hma(source, length) → series[float]
src = input(defval=close, type="source", title="Source")
length = input(defval=9, type="int", title="Length")
hmaBuildIn = hma(src, length)
plot(hmaBuildIn, title="Hull MA", color="#674EA7")
Return value
return the Hull Moving Average given a "length" from the "source"
source (series)Data series
length (integer) Number of K-lines (length)
Test a value if it is a NaN
na(x) → boolean
Return value
If x is not a valid number, it is true (x is NaN), otherwise it is false.
Replace NaN values with zeros (or specified numbers) in the series.
nz(x, y)
Return value
Two parameter versions: if it is a valid (non-NaN) number, then return x, otherwise y
One parameter version: if it is a valid (non-NaN) number, x is returned, otherwise 0
x (series) Data series
y (float)Value to replace NaN
Specify the transparency of a given color.
color(color, transp) → color
Return value
Colors with specific transparency
color (color)
transp (integer) Values are from 0 (opaque) to 100 (not visible)
For a given series, replace the NaN value with the previous non-NaN value.
fixnan(x) → series
Return value
series without NaN gap
x (series)
If x>=0, the absolute value of x is x, otherwise it is -x.
abs(x) → float
Return value
Absolute of x
The acos function returns the arccosine of a number (expressed in radians), such as cos(acos(y)) = y in the y range [-1, 1].
acos(x) → float
Return value
Arccosine value。If y is out of the range [-1,1], the return angle is within the range of [0, Pi] or NaN.
If the asin function returns the arcsine of a number (in radians), sine (asin(y)) = y is in the range of y [-1, 1].
asin(x) → float
Return value
Arcsine value. If y is out of the range [-1,1], the return angle is within the range of [-Pi/2, Pi/2] or na.
The atan function returns the arctangent of a number (expressed in radians), tan(atan(y)) = any y in y.
atan(x) → float
Return value
Arctangent value; The return angle is within the range of [-Pi / 2, Pi / 2].
The cos function returns the trigonometric cosine of the angle.
cos(x) → float
Return value
The trigonometric cosine of an angle.
The cumulative (total) sum of x. In other words, this is the sum of all the elements of x.
cum(x) → float
Return value
Sum of a series
The exp function of x is e^x, where x is the parameter and e is the Euler number.
exp(x) → float
result = exp(100)
print(result)   # result = 22026.465794806718
Return value
A number representing e^x
Square root of any x >= 0 is the unique y >= 0 such that y^2 = x
abs(x) → float
result = sqrt(100)
print(result)   # result = 10
Return value
Square root of x
returns closest integer value which is less than or equal to specified expression
floor(x) → float
result = ceil(100.2)
print(result)   # result = 100
Return value
A number representing the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number.
Always rounds a number up to the next largest integer
ceil(x) → float
result = ceil(100.2)
print(result)   # result = 101
Return value
The smallest integer greater than or equal to the given number.
The number rounded to the nearest integer.
round(x) → float
result = round(100.2)
print(result)   # result = 100
Return value
The value of the given number rounded to the nearest integer
Natural logarithm of x>0 is unique "y", such as e ^ y = x
log(x) → float
result = log(100)
print(result)   #4.605170185988092
Return value
The natural logarithm of x.
Return the largest of multiple values
max(x1, x2) -> float
result = max(close,open)
Return value
The largest of multiple values.
Return the smallest of multiple values
min(x1, x2) -> float
result = min(close,open)
Return value
The smallest of multiple values.
Calculate the average of all series (corresponding elements).
avg(x1, x2, a, b) -> float
result = avg(close,open)
Return value
If x is zero, the sign of x (signature function) is 0, if x is greater than zero, it is 1.0, and if x is less than zero, it is -1.0.
sign(x) -> float
Return value
Parameter flag
When the condition is true, the barssince function calculates the number of K-lines.
barssince(condition) → series[integer]
# get number of bars since last green bar
barssince(close >= open)
Return value
If the status is true, the number of K-lines.
The dmi function returns the trend index DMI.
dmi(diLength, adxSmoothing) → (series[float], series[float], series[float])
Return value
Three tuples of DMI series: rising index (+DI), falling index (-DI) and average trend index (ADX).
diLength (integer)DI Period。
adxSmoothing (integer)ADX smoothing period
This function returns the price of the pivot high. If there is no pivot high, "NaN" is returned.
pivothigh(source, leftbars, rightbars) → series[float]
leftBars = input(2,type="int")
ph = pivothigh(high,leftBars, rightBars)
plot(ph, style="cross", linewidth=3, color= "red", offset=-rightBars)
Return value
The price at pivot high or'NaN'.
source (series)Data series
leftbars (series)Left bars
rightbars (series)Right bars
This function returns the price of the pivot low. If there is no pivot low, return "NaN".
pivotlow(source, leftbars, rightbars) → series[float]
leftBars = input(2,type="int")
ph = pivotlow(high,leftBars, rightBars)
plot(ph, style="cross", linewidth=3, color= "red", offset=-rightBars)
Return value
The price of the pivot low or'NaN'.
source (series)Data series
leftbars (series)Left bars
rightbars (series)Right bars
MACD(Moving Average Convergence Divergence)。 It should reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of stock price trends.
macd(source, fastlen, slowlen, siglen) → (series[float], series[float], series[float])
(macdLine, signalLine, histLine) = macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
plot(macdLine, color="blue")
plot(signalLine, color="orange")
plot(histLine, color=histLine>0?"green":"red", style="histogram")
Return value
Three tuples of MACD series: MACD line, signal line and histogram line.
source (series)Data series
lfastlen (integer)Fast line
slowlen (integer) Slow length
siglen (integer)Signal length
Stochastic indicators. Calculation equation: 100 * (close - lowest(low, length)) / (highest(high, length) - lowest(low, length))
stoch(source, high, low, length) → series[float]
plot(stoch(close, high, low, 10))
Return value
source (series)Source series
lfastlen (integer)High series
slowlen (integer) Low series
siglen (integer)Length (number of K lines)
When the most recent nth condition is true, return the source
valuewhen(condition, source, occurrence) → series[float]
slow = sma(close, 7)
fast = sma(close, 14)
# get value of close on second cross occurrence
valuewhen(cross(slow, fast), close, 1)
Return value
Source value when the situation is true
Linear regression curve. The curve that best fits the price within the time interval specified by the user. Use the least square method to calculate. The result of this function is calculated using the following formula: linreg = intercept + slope *(length-1-offset), where length is the second parameter, offset is the thrid parameter, intercept and slope are the values calculated by the source series least square method (first parameter)。
linreg(source, length, offset) → series[float]
plot(linreg(open , 10, 10))
Return value
Linear regression curve
source (series)Source series
length (integer)Length
offset (integer) Offset
Parabolic SAR (parabolic stop and reversal) is a method designed by J. Welles Wilder, Jr. To find a potential reversal of the price direction of the trading market.
sar(start, inc, max) → series[float]
plot(sar(0.2, 0.2, .2), style="cross", linewidth=3)
Return value
Parabolic SAR
start (float)Start
inc (float)Increment
max (float) Max
The function ATR (Average True Range) returns the RMA of the true range. The true fluctuation range is max(high-low, abs(high-close[1]), abs(low-close[1]))
atr(length) → series[float]

def my_atr(length):
    trueRange = na(prev(high,1))? high-low : max(max(high - low, abs(high - prev(close,1))), abs(low - prev(close,1)))
    return rma(trueRange, length)

Return value
Average true range (ATR)
length (integer)Length
Arnaud Legoux Moving Average. It uses Gaussian distribution as the weight of the moving average.
alma(series, length, offset, sigma) → series[float]
plot(alma(close, 9, 0.85, 6))

# same on alma, but much less efficient
def my_alma(series, windowsize, offset, sigma):
    m = floor(offset * (windowsize - 1))
    s = windowsize / sigma
    norm = 0.0
    sum = 0.0
    for i in range(0,windowsize - 1):
        weight = exp(-1 * ((i - m)** 2) / (2 * (s**2)))
        norm = norm + weight
        sum = sum + prev(series,windowsize - i - 1) * weight
    return sum / norm
plot(my_alma(close, 9, 0.85, 6))
Return value
Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
series (series)Data series
length (integer)Number of K-lines (length)
offset (float)Control the trade-off between smoothness (closer to 1) and responsiveness (closer to 0)。
sigma (float) Change the smoothness of ALMA. The larger the Sigma, the smoother the ALMA.
dayofweek(time) → series
Return value
Provides the day of the week (exchange time zone) in UNIX time.
time (series) Unix time in milliseconds.
dayofmonth(time) → series
Return value
Provides the day of the month (exchange time zone) in UNIX time.
time (series) Unix time in milliseconds.
cross(x, y) → series[bool]
ema1 = ema(close,20)
ema2 = ema(close, 10)

plot(cross(ema1,ema2)?-1:1, color="red",style="histogram")
plot(sign(ema2- ema1))
Return value
If the two series cross each other, it is 1, otherwise it is 0.
x (series)
y (series)
The `x`-series is defined as having crossed under `y`-series if the value of `x` is less than the value of `y` and the value of `x` was greater than the value of `y` on the bar immediately preceding the current bar.
crossunder(x, y) → series[bool]
ema1 = ema(close,20)
ema2 = ema(close, 10)

plot(crossunder(ema1,ema2)?-1:1, color="red",style="histogram")
Return value
If "x" crosses under "y", it is true, otherwise it is false.
x (series) Data series`x`。
y (series) Data series`y`。
The `x`-series is defined as having crossed over `y`-series if the value of `x` is greater than the value of `y` and the value of `x` was less than the value of `y` on the bar immediately preceding the current bar.
crossover(x, y) → series[bool]
ema1 = ema(close,20)
ema2 = ema(close, 10)

plot(crossover(ema1,ema2)?-1:1, color="red",style="histogram")
Return value
True if "x" crosses over "y", otherwise false
x (series) Data series`x`。
y (series) Data series`y`。